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Min Yoongi Focus:

Yoongi feels a hand on his ass, who the hell? he catches the hand with his own and turns around with an irritated expression. His scowl turns into a soft smile as he sees the familiar boy with big eyes and pouty lips, "you!" he says.

"You!" the boy says back.

"Did you just grab my ass? well shouldn't it be the other way around?" Yoongi smirks, he notices how the boy blushes and bows his head a little. "cute"

"You recognise me?" the boy asks, his voice low.

"Of course I do Angel, how can I forget such a pretty face?" 

"Aren't you coming off a little too strong?" the boy asks, rolling his eyes.

"Too strong? says the one who grabbed my ass" Yoongi chuckles.

"Whatever" the boy tries to leave but is stopped by Yoongi,"Wait up, let me buy you a drink" 

"What? I don't even know your name" the boy says.

"I'm Min Yoongi, what's your name?" he smiles and offers his hand.

"I'm Jimin" the said boy shakes Yoongi's hand.

"Now since we know each other, how about I get you a drink?" Yoongi asks hoping the beauty infront of him wouldn't reject him.

Jimin was feeling thirsty anyway, "Okay sure" he says.

Yoongi gets him a drink and they both are seated at a table, "You're really pretty" he smiles at  Jimin.

Jimin chokes on his drink, "You can't just say that!!"

"Why not? I don't know how to flirt or anything, I like to say whatever I feel or think"

"Atleast give me a warning" Jimin looks away blushing as he chews on the straw.

"Ok I'm going to say something, brace yourself" Yoongi places his hand on the table.

Jimin looks at Yoongi curiously, "Go on"

"I like you Jimin" Yoongi smiles.

"What!?" Jimin laughs, "that's funny"

"I mean it!"

"Are you for real? you don't even know me!" Jimin tries to control the pounding of his heart.

"I can get to know you on the way, it's not a rule that we need to date someone only after knowing every single detail about them" Yoongi shrugs. "So what do you say?" 


"Oh, if you are not a fraud, theif or murderer I'm fine with whatever you do" Yoongi smiles.

Jimin chuckles nervously, "Of course I'm not"

"Good then" Yoongi writes his number on the tissue paper and hands it over to Jimin, "call me if you wanna go on a date, I'm not playing around, please take me seriously" 

"okay" Jimin was dumbfounded, he folds it and puts it in his bag. 

"See you later hopefully" Yoongi waves him goodbye and walks away.

As Yoongi got inside his car, he made sure that no was around and hit his head on the steering wheel, "What the hell Min Yoongi! what were you thinking? you thought that was cool? you probably scared the poor boy, ahhhh why can't you ask him out like a normal person?" he yells at himself looking at the mirror. 

He gets a call from the police station, "We have a case for you" the officer on the other line says.

"What's the case?" if its some big case he'll take it.

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