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True evil comes from corrupting something truly good.

Maybe Hoseok was someone meant to be truly good. Maybe, just maybe if he had been brought up in a nicer family he wouldn't have turned out this way.

Maybe deep down there's still kindness in his heart.


Hoseok runs out of the hospital somehow without getting caught, he just needs to make a phone call.

In the opposite side of the street he sees a phonebooth, he runs towards it.

He gets in and dials his father's number, after 5 rings his father picks up.



"D-dad I messed up, I don't know what to do" he sobbed.

"Damn right you messed up, I heard Jungkook is in the hosital, what the fuck? how dare you harm him?" his father yelled.

"D-dad but I-- " 

"don't call me that  you disobdient fool, I told you to kill Yoongi, if you followed my order you wouldn't be in this situation."

"Captain I-m at the hospital and the cops are looking for me--I--what if I get caught"

"If you get caught, don't you dare use my name. I hate you, I wish you were never born" the line went dead.

"Dad!? hello!? please--just please---you can't" he cried for the very first time.

He walked out of the phonebooth, he saw Yoongi in the distance looking for him, he met his eyes.

Yoongi's eyes were soft, there was no anger in it. Just disappointment.

Hoseok was standing in the middle of the street looking at Yoongi, he saw his ex-friend's eyes widen at something, he could look at him screaming, "LOOK OUT HOBI"

Hoseok turns to his right, he sees a bright light. Headlight of a van to be exact. The van came towards him without slowing down, he knew what is was. He couldn't bring himself to move away.

The van hit him and drove away without stopping.

Hoseok flied a few feet in the air and landed back on the ground.

Yoongi ran towards him, "Hobi oh my God" 

Yoongi took Hobi's head and rested in his lap, "Hold on, someone help !!!" he yelled.

"N-No...its fine" Hobi choked, blood coming out of his mouth. "Y-Yoongi"

"Hobi, please just hold on okay, don't talk" Yoongi sobbed.

"n-no..my time is here..the van it was one of dad's men...he wanted this to happen"

"NO! screw him"

"y-yoon..I--I lied when I said that I hated you...y-you were my bestfriend " Hoseok took a deep breath, "Is Jin--?"

"He's alive"

Hoseok smiled, "I loved you both so much---I wish things were different"


"I'm sorry--everything you need is in my house-storage room--"

"please focus on your breathing" Yoongi saw three nurses bringing the stretcher to take Hobi into the hospital.

"It hurts" tears fall from his eyes, he clutched Yoongi's jacket sleeve, "distract me" he closed his eyes, breathing slow

"k-knock Knock" Yoongi said, the same thing they say when one of them is hurt.

This time he didn't here a 'who's there'

"Knock Knock" he repeated again.

No reply.

"H-Hobi??" he slightly shook him, "no please no"

The nurse came closer and checked the pulse.

"I'm sorry to imform you but he is dead"

Yoongi sat there and cried while the nurses took Hobi's body back to the hospital.

Namjoon came to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hyung"

Yoongi broke down and cried, "why !? why did this have to happen?"

"Hyung..I'm sorry for your loss..let's go back inside yeah?"

Yoongi nodded and they both got in.

They didn't inform the rest about Hobi's accident.

Yoongi saw Jimin laughing and smiling with Jin from outside the room, the boy looked happy. Yoongi was happy for Jimin. He was thankful for getting to love someone like him even though it was only for a short period.

He left them alone. He had something else to take care off.

20 minutes later he was standing in front of Captain Jung who was trying to pack his bags.

"Jung yong-won you are under arrest for the murder of Min won-sik and Min hee ra and as a suspect for 25 other murders, including the murder of Jung Hoseok" he cuffed him and handed him to the other officers.

Even after finding out the murderer of his parents he didn't feel any better. 

He still felt empty. Emptier than before.

He lost his parents, now he lost his best friend too. 

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