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Jimin focus:

Jimin and Taehyung surprisingly got away from those cops and ran to their apartment.

"Geez! that was something" Jimin plops down on the couch.

"So the guy that I almsot hooked up with and the guy that you almost said yes to are both cops" Taehyung tried to wrap it around his brain, "That's--"

"Dangerous" Jimin says.

"Hot" Tae says at the same time.

"What!?--Hot ? really? bet it would be really hot if they find out all the illegal stuffs we've been doing" Jimin yells.

"We can hide it, Jimin if you really like that Yoongi dude then go for it, he doesn't have to know?" Tae says.

"What about you? do you like the other one? Jungkook?" Jimin asks.

"Do I think he is hot? yes. But dating? No. he's fine but I'm not into that, I can always find people to hook up with, I don't need him."

"Sure, whatever I'm going go take a shower and visit Jin hyung, you get to work"


After 2 hours Jimin gets to the hospital, "hey hyung" he sits beside Jin.

"I had fun today, fun that you wouldn't approve of" he forced out a laugh. "A guy asked me out, he is a cop by the way, can you believe it? the universe really wants me to suffer huh?"

"Something about him is just so---I don't know how to explain it, but I think I like him too---It's crazy I know , I mean I don't really know him"

Jimin rests his chin on the bed and talks to Jin's unconsious body for a little while "I really miss you hyung" he slowly drifts of to sleep.


12 year old Park Jimin stands before a group of bullies, who are especially older and bigger than him, tears threatning to spill, he looks down at his feet expecting a blow to hit his face. One among those boys, the supposed 'Leader' takes a step towards the smaller,  snickering, but was interrupted when a ball hit his face. "OW what the hell?" the boy turns around to see a boy about his own age walk towards him with his hands in his pockets and looks more relaxed than anyone present at the scene.

"Why don't you pick someone your own age?" the voice echos in the room. Jimin's head shoots up at the all too familiar voice. It belonged to the one and only Kim seokjin, his brother.

"Stay out of it" the leader turns towards Jimin again and raises his hand.

"Touch him and you'll be dead before you hit the ground. Don't test me" Jin says, his voice a couple octaves lower, the 'leader' visibly gulped when he saw Jin's eyes glaring at him.

"Whatever, lets go guys" he leads the group out of the room.

"Hyung---" Jimin hugs his brother, "I was so scared"

"It's alright Jimin-ah ..I got you" Jin comforts him.

Yoongi focus:

"Min and Jeon you are needed at the captain's office" Namjoon says as soon as they enter the station.

"Got it" they both get to the captain's office, Yoongi knocks on the door and hears a small  'come in'

"Do it right next time, how many times are you going to repeat it to get it right?" captain Jung is talking to hoseok.

"I'll get it right next time" hoseok nods.

"Take these boxes, I want all the things present in it  to be analysed and filed before you get home today" 

"Yes sir" Hoseok kneels down to collect all the boxes present on the floor.

"Jeon, you're doing a spectacular job, its only been a few days and you and Min cracked a big case. Good Job." Captain Jung smiles.

"Thanks" Jungkook smiles.

"Min, I've got another case, do you boys want in?"

"Sure" Yoongi says, he notices hoseok's still in the room trying to carry the boxes which are clearly heavy. He sometimes wishes that captain Jung wouldn't go hard on his son, when he talked to hoseok about it, the boy said he was fine and that it motivated him to work harder. No matter what happens Hoseok never looses that smile on his face.

"It's about business man Lee Eon-jeok. It's believed that he is transporting illegal goods to his secret location tomorrow night, find out the location and catch him in the act"

"Got it" Yoongi says as he receives the file.

"You may leave now"

The duo bow their head and Yoongi keeps the door open for hoseok and gives him a small smile, Jungkook offers to carry few of the boxes but hoseok rejects the offer with a smile and walks out.

Once at their desk Jungkook asks Yoongi, "Why is captain so hard on his own son? is it always like this?"

"Yeah" Yoongi says. "But don't worry about hoseok, he's got this"

Looking over the file Jungkook's eyes widen "It's him?"


"This business man! I know him!" Jungkook stands up.

"How?" Yoongi asks.

"He's my ex girlfriend's father!" 


"She may know the secret locations, thankfully we are still friends, I could try to get some information from her. My friends, they don't know I'm a cop." Jungkook says.

"How do they not know?"

"Well they are not really my friends? just rich people acquintance"

"Okay, you do that." Yoongi says. "I'll go talk to his ex-wife, she works at the hospital"


Once Yoongi gets to the hospital he finds the ex-wife soon and they talk for a while. Turns out Mr.Lee has a lot of guest houses and any one of those could be the secret location. If they try to visit every one of those, Mr.Lee would know that the cops  are on to them.

After he's done he walks through the hallway and stops in his tracks when he see a familiar person, the person looks at him with shock too.

"If you told me that you were coming to the hospital, I could have asked you to take me with you" the man says.

"Namjoon? what are you doing here?"

"I came to visit Kim Seokjin" 

"Who?" why does that name sound familiar?

"The hit and run case I had"Namjoon sighs.

"Joon, you were instructed to drop it. It only lead you to dead ends"

"I know, but I'm not here as  a cop, I just wanted to see him"

"Are you catching feelings for a man who is in coma?" Yoongi smiles softly.

"Shut up! do you want to accompany me?" Namjoon asks hopefully.

"Okay, lets go"

Entering the room, Yoongi was met with a beautiful sight, he saw an adorable boy with pink hair, resting his head on the bed, his eyes closed and his plumpy lips formed into a pout. Yoongi wants to take a mental picture of this sight before him. He wants to press pause on the world so that he could watch this scene for eternity, but who was he kidding? he was with Kim Namjoon. Of course something bad would happen, Namjoon hit his leg on a table, "OW! MATHAFUCKA---"


Jimin slowly opened his eyes and rubbed it with his small hand, Yoongi felt his heart expand.


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