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Taehyung focus:

Taehyung was more than ready to kill Hoseok. That man almost took everything that's important to him.

Just as he was about to leave, Yoongi walked in. There was a small part of him that felt bad for Yoongi, because Hoseok was someone close to Yoongi, like how Jimin was to Tae.

"um Taehyung--you can go see Jungkook, he's out of the surgery but he didn't wake up yet. He is still in a critical condition--you might wanna say your goodbye--"

Taehyung rushed out of the room, his grief for Jungkook succeeded the hate for Hoseok. 

He sneaked into Jungkook's room ignoring the no visitors sign.

He saw how peaceful the boy looked, how beautiful.

He sat beside him carefully, his heart expereinced a different kind of hurt and he couldn't fully understand it.

"Koo" he called, his voice breaking, "don't--don't leave me, you can't please--not before I--not before you hear me say I lov--no Jungkook" he let the tears fall.

"You remember, a couple of days ago when we went on that drive, (refer: chap-31 last parah) you were driving, and we were listening to some stupid song about love and you were singing at the top your lungs and I was thinking of how you could find someone better, nicer and you grabbed my hand and told me that stupid love song reminded you of me and thats when I decided that it did not matter if there were people prettier or funnier or nicer because nothing in the world could change the fact that we were meant to be together. You made me believe in love, you made me want to fall in love" Taehyung sobbed.

"I-I love you Jungkook" he rested his head on the bed and let out all the tears in eyes.

Few seconds of silence. Taehyung couldn't take the pain. It was too much. For once in his life he starts to believe that someone could truly love and accept him, for the first time in a long time he overcame his fear of love and abadonment.

For the first time in really long time the universe let him be truly happy only to just take it away.

"Took you long enough" A soft voice was heard. Taehyung shot his head up, he saw a smile forming on Jungkook's face, "koo?"

"I love you too baby" tears rolled down his face, "I thought I would never get to hear you say this"

"oh God ! are you okay?"

"yes" he smiled.

"H-how long were you listening" Tae looked down, a small blush forming on his face.

"when you asked me not to leave you alone" Jungkook raised his hand and wiped the tears from Tae's face, "I promised you already that I won't leave you"

Taehyung huffed, "I love you so much, but if you think that I forgave you for running into danger, you are heavily mistaken"

Jungkook let out a chuckle, "I was looking forward to eat the brownies you made"

"You said don't want it. I won't give it you"

"oh c'mon--"

They both heard the door opening, figuring it was the others or the doctors Taehyung happily turned around but his smile faded when he saw the person in front of them.

It was Hoseok. 


"Remember me darling?" Hoseok smirked.

"You weren't extraordinary for me to remember" Tae stood up, "what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Tae baby" Jungkook tried to sit up but the pain in his abdomen was unbearable, "d-don't you dare touch him" he glared at Hoseok still trying to get up.

"Babe chill, the stitches would come out, I got this" Tae said.

"I can't believe you are still alive" Hoseok got closer, he had a knife.

Seriously, where does he keep getting the knife? it looks like a hospital surgical knife.

"Step away" Hoseok pointed the knife at Taehyung.

Tae rolled his eyes and grabbed Hobi's wrist and twisted it, making the knife fall, "You think I would be threatnded by a knife?" he raised his eyebrows.

"you can't kill me here, the place is surrounded by cops" Jungkook says.

"I-I just need to make a call, give me your phone" Hoseok says.

"Nah" Tae punched him, "you already look like you've been punched enough, don't make me kill you" he pushed him to the floor.

Hoseok tried to reach for the knife that was previously dropped on the floor but Tae stepped on his palm, "don't even try"

Jungkook watched Tae with wide eyes, he's never seen this side of Taehyung. The ruthless dark side. 

In the distance they heard Yoongi and Namjoon's voice, Hobi pushed off Tae and ran out of the room before they could come in.

Taehyung tried to run after him but Jungkook stopped him, "Tae don't"

"Jungkook he's--" before he could finish the sentence Namjoon came in, "are you guys okay?"

"Yes, but he went that way"

"Yoongi ran after him, you guys stay here" Namjoon nodded and ran the direction Yoongi went.

"Why did you stop me!?" Tae yelled at Jungkook.

"You can't run after him, he's dangerous" Jungkook shook his head.

"He didn't seem dangerous few minutes ago" Tae scoffed.

"I haven't seen this side of you before, it was--" Jungkook looks away.

Taehyung couldn't sense the tone, was it disappointment? 

"um--scary? I-I'm sorry" Tae looks down.

"No ! No it was hot" Jungkook smiled. 

Taehyung sighed in relief.

"Come here" Jungkook pointed at the bed.

"If you took me with you to the warehouse then you wouldn't have been stabbed. Make better decisions hereafter"

"Yes Mr.Kim" Jungkook kissed his cheeks, "now can we go back to your love confession?"

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