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Jungkook focus:

Usually Jungkook doesn't like day offs, he loves his Job and day offs are boring, but now he is so thankful for that. Why? because he can't wait to go to the club. He can't take his mind off the pretty blue haired boy. He wants to talk to him, he wants to see him laugh.

He spent the entire day looking at the clock, hoping the hands of the clock would spin faster and he would be able to see the boy.

Finally it was time, he got dressed and made his way to the club where he met the beautiful boy. He goes over to the bar, only to find the boy missing, he frowns, "where is he?"

"Can I get you something?" A girl asks him, he remembers her, she works with V.

"Is V here?" 

The girl rolls her eyes, "Nope, its his day off"

Jungkook feels the disappointment creep into him, 'why am I so disappointed?' He writes down his name with his number and hands it over to the girl. "Can you please deliver this note to him?" 

"Sure" the girl smiles, little did Jungkook knew that the minute he walked out, the girl threw the paper in the dustbin.


The next day, Jungkook decides to spend time with his one and only partner.

"Hyung why are we on this part of town again?" Jungkook asked as Yoongi parked his car.

"No reason. We don't have a case, so why not?" Yoongi follows Jungkook out of the car.

Jungkook looks at Yoongi's searching eyes, "Are you looking for someone?"

"Yes" Yoongi says, his eyes going over the buildings and occassionally glancing inside the stores.

"Is it work related or personal?"

Yoongi ignores Jungkook and walks ahead, "Tell me so I can help you" Jungkook huffs.

"Fine, I'm looking for a boy, he has pink hair"

"The one you were checking out at the club?"

"How do you remember?" Yoongi's surprised.

"I have good memory" Jungkook smiles.

"Anyway I asked him out" Yoongi mumbles.

"What!? really?" Jungkook's eyes widen, "That's fast"

"You think so--" before Yoongi could finish his sentance he feels someone bump into him and he turns around to see that person on the ground, his eyes immedietly go the pink hair boy rushing to help the boy in the ground.

Jungkook's eyes widen, No way! It was V.

"Are you okay?" he offers his hand to V, he is pleased with the small blush forming on the boy's face.

"Jeon babe?" Now it was Jungkook's turn to blush, but he hid it with a cough.

"Why are you running? is something wrong--"

"Jimin?" Jungkook hears the voice crack in Yoongi's voice. He then turns his attention to the pink hair boy, "what are you doing here?" Yoongi asks again.

"No time to talk--" Jimin stops when he sees a bunch of people coming towards them.

Jungkook notices the panic in V's eyes, "What's wrong?"

One among those thugs came forward and looked at Jungkook, "stay out of it pretty boy" and grabbed V's hand.

Jungkook's not going to let some creep take away the boy, "woah the hell you doing?" he grabs V back and stands before him, he turns to the side to look at the boy's terrified expression.

"Why do you want them?" Yoongi asks.

"None.of.your.business. give those brats to us if you don't want to get hurt" the man grits his teeth.

"I would like to see you try, but let me warn you, if you hit us you will be in so much trouble" Jungkook smirks.

Yoongi comes near Jungkook and looks at the thug, "Just go away dude"

The man chuckles and throws a punch at Jungkook, but he blocks it, "Okay then, you asked for it"

"I'm getting too old for this" Yoongi rolls up his sleeve, the other thugs run towards them and the duo were easily able to fight them, thanks to their police training.

"That's all? That's all you can do?" Jungkook chuckles as he eyes the men on the floor. 

In the distance they see a police car making their way towards them, Jungkook sighs.

He feels someone tug on his jacket, he turns to be faced by the most adorable face ever, V looks at him with doe eyes and pouty lips, 'Take my heart' Jungkook thinks.

"We should run now!" the boy yells.

"What? why?"

"Yes we should go now!! The cops could arrest us!" Jimin grabs Yoongi's hand, pulling him. Yoongi doesn't move, instead he just laughs.

"Why would they arrest us?" Yoongi smiles, "If anyone's getting arrested its those men who are on the floor, for assaulting police officers"

"What!?" V chokes. Jungkook finds it absolutely adorable.

"We are Police officers sweetheart" Jungkook smiles at V.

"oh" V looks down.

"anyway thank you, lets go Tae" Jimin hides his panic.

"Tae?" Jungkook looks at V.

"My name's Taehyung" the boy smiles. Totally adorable.

"I'm Jungkook" he offers his hand and the boy shakes his hand.

"Jimin" Yoongi looks at the pink haired boy, "Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you this--are you bruised--" Jimin gets cut off by Yoongi.


"Where?" Jimin rushes over to Yoongi.

"My heart's bruised! you never called me" Yoongi frowns.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and notices Taehyung do the same when Jimin blushed at the comment. Jungkook never took Yoongi to be this cliched flirt. As the two patrol officers from the patrol car approached them, Jungkook and Yoongi were giving clear instructions.

Jungkook took his eyes off Taehyung just for a second, when he turned back both Tae and Jimin were missing.

"Great hyung! you scared the boys off" 

"Shit! I should have atleast got his number"

Jungkook's heart feels empty, will I see him again? he sighs.

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