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"You didn't think this through when you invited me in, did you?" Jungkook smirks at Tae's flustered face.

"I thought that I could cook something, anything" Tae covers his face.

"Do you mind if I cook?" Jungkook asks as he rolls up his sleeve.

"You can cook?" Tae looks at him with big eyes.

Jungkook chuckles, "A little, yeah" he washes his hands, "Just sit here, I'll do it" he points at the kitchen counter.

Tae does as instructed and watches Jungkook light up the stove and placing a pan on top of it.

'damn! he is so husband material' Tae thinks, 'Ah stop thinking like that'

"I feel bad though, How can I pay you back?" he pouts.

"I'm not doing this so that you pay me back, I'm doing it because I want to. Now sit back birthday boy and just relax."

Tae kept his eyes focused on Jungkook for 15 minutes, "its done"

"woah , it looks good. what is it?"

"I don't know--My mom started making this since I was a kid, she still makes it for me, its my comfort food. Try it" Jungkook hands over a plate to Taehyung.

Tae takes a small bite, "Wow!! this is so good"

"My mom does it even better" Jungkook smiles.

"Even better!? really? please ask your parents to adopt me!!!" 

"Well how about I just introduce you to them and she'll take care of you" Jungkook says.

"What if they get the wrong idea like we are dating or something? wouldn't it be bad" Tae asks.

"Why would that be bad? My parents are very supportive"

"oh...my parents weren't" Tae looks down.

"I'm so sorry, it must have been hard" Jungkook reaches out.

Tae grins, "No use in talking about it. Anyway, you did all these great things today, really setting the standards for friendship too high, damn Jimin can't reach that high" 

"yeah" Jungkook looks away. FRIENDS.

"what will I do??" Tae whines, "You make these amazing food and just leave, how will I able to go back to Jimin's cooking?"

Jungkook chuckles, "I don't mind cooking for you everyday" places both of their plates on the sink.

"Are you going to quit your Job and become my personal chef" Tae chuckles back.

"Taehyung--I meant"

Its now or never Jungkook.

"I like you Taehyung. No--I love you, be my boyfriend?"

Taehyung's smile falls, ofcourse. of-fucking-course, for once he thinks that someone actually wants to be his friend, they end up wanting to get into his pants.

"What?tell me you are joking"

"No, I'm not. I really love you Taehyung" Jungkook's heart is pounding so loud, there could be a noise complaint.

"Okay then" Tae steps forward. He has a straight face, no expression. Jungkook can't read him.

Taehyung removes his jacket, letting it fall to the ground, exposing his shiny shoulders , collarbones, and his very kissable necks.

Jungkook takes a step back, "what are you doing?"

"Fuck me" Tae says. Again, no expression.

Jungkook coughs, "What!?"

"Isn't that what you want? to fuck me?" Tae glares at Jungkook.

"What? where did you get that idea from?" Kook picks up the jacket back from the ground and puts it on Tae, "don't go saying stuff like this around me"


"Taehyung !! what part of my love confession did you not understand?" Jungkook keeps his voice down even though his blood his boiling because of how low and cheap Tae thinks of him. He would never raise his voice at someone he cares about.


"I want to be your boyfriend, I want to be able to love you, be able to call you mine, want to hold you close to me, want to be able to take you dates like this, If I could, then I would keep repeating this day all over again. I did all of that because I love you and that I wanna see you smile. I am happy because I got to see you smile a lot today and most of it was because of me. You know how that made me feel? fucking out of the world" Jungkook answers honestly.

If Taehyung said that his heart didn't flutter then he was lying.

"I don't date" Tae says.

"Why not?"

"I just don't"

"Give me a chance, just one."

"If we have sex right now, would you leave  and never return?" Tae asks.

"No. why would I leave?" Jungkook asks back.

"why not?"

"I just don't leave someone I love"

Tae nods and moves closer to Jungkook, "Kiss me"

Jungkook stares at him.

"Just do it" Tae moves closer, its impossible to move closer further. "One of us is going to regret it in the morning, but for now, kiss me"

Jungkook knows he's gonna get his heart broken in the morning. 

He pulls him closer and presses their lips together, Tae deepens the kiss and Jungkook just lets him. 

Jungkook is in Euphoria. HE IS KISSING TAEHYUNG!!!

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