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Taehyung focus:

Taehyung looks at his phone, the date is 29 december. He sighs. 

30th is his birthday.

Since he was a kid his parents used to celebrate his birthday for 2 days. The 29th and the 30th. But things changed, his loving caring parents changed when he came out to them. That's when he realized they didn't truly love him.

They loved the idea of him that they created in their own minds.

How can someone else love him when even his open parents stopped loving him or didn't love him enough in the first place?

Taehyung turned out to be a disappointment, the good A grade student started failing classes, became a troublemaker.

Who's fault was it? Is it Taehyung's own fault for liking boys? or is it his parents fault for thinking that they could make him straight by abusing him? verbally and pysically.

It's the 29th and Taehyung misses his parents. 

He hates them, sure. But, you can miss someone and still don't want them in your life.

All these thoughts and memories consume him as he walk the streets, his legs automatically takes him to his old neighbourhood. He wants to stop and turn back around, go back to the club or his apartment and hide under the bedsheets, but his legs won't stop. It led him right to his old house. 

The lights are on, he looks through the window, his mom and dad happily laughing together, having dinner, totally forgot about his existence. They didn't miss him, if they did, there would be atleast a small trace of sadness.

His eyes wells up with tears, he turns on his feet and walks away, almost bumps into someone.

"Hey Taehyung right?" the man asks.

Tae thinks for a while, "yes.."

"I'm Seojun! don't you remember me?" 

"Oh" Now he remembers, Seojun was one of the boys he first fooled around with. Make out sessions when he was 13. 

"Hi" Taehyung smiles.

"Wow you look great!" Seojun licks his lips, eyeing Taehyung up and down like a piece of meat.

Honestly Tae doesn't feel offended. "Thanks" he grins, "You too" the lanky boy he used to makeout with, is now built.

"Do have anywhere to be--or we can get out of here" Seojun comes closer.

"We can get out of here" Tae licks his lips.

That's how he ended up in Seojun's garage, his pants halfway down and on his hands and knees.

"Shit, I don't have lube" Seojun grumbles.

"It's okay I don't mind" he hands the biker boy the condom. He wants it to hurt, to hurt more than the pain he's feeling in his chest.

"You sure" Seojun pauses before pushing in.

"Sure. Now hurry up and fuck me" Tae rolls his hips backwards.

His command was received. He wanted to get fucked. He got fucked. He wanted it to hurt. It hurt like a bitch.

The fuck session was over in 10 minutes. 

"Here's my number, call me if you need more" Seojun offers his number cockily.

"No thanks, I don't fuck the same person more than once" Tae smiles inncoently, "It was good fuck though. Take care, bubyee" he waves and walks away.

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