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Jungkook and Taehyung focus:

Taehyung is working standing behind the bar, mixing up drinks and talking to strangers.

Jungkook's standing near the bar looking at Taehyung.

"How long are going to keep staring?" Taehyung asks.

"However long I want, don't want some creeps to think that you are available and make a move on you, do we?"

Taehyung chuckles, "It's my Job to be nice to them and besides why would I go for those 5's when I got a total 10" he winks at Jungkook.


"Go relax, have some fun, go dance if you like, or go sit where the Air conditioner is, my shift ends in a few minutes"

"Okay, call me if someone's troubling you" Jungkook says.

"I can handle myself, but sure, now go"

Jungkook looks like a kicked puppy, not wanting to go.

Taehyung blows a kiss, "Go"

Jungkook goes to the farther end and sits on a couch, he could still see Taehyung, and how smiley he is with strangers.

Deep down Jungkook wonders, is Taehyung like this to everyone, does he smile at everyone like that, what if I'm just like everyone, what if I'm not as special to him as I thought I was.

"Jungkook?" he hears a voice beside him.

"I.U ? hey ! what are you doing here?" Jungkook is surprised but still smiles.

"Me, Jaehyun and couple of others wanted to check out this club, it's pretty awesome, not as much as the ones we go to, but this one is better than I thought"

"oh yeah" Jungkook says.

"what are you--"

"Yo I just met the hottest babe !!---oh hey Jeon what are you doing here" Jaehyun comes to them.

"Same as you guys" Jungkook says.

"What happened to your hair? you cut it?" she run her hand through Jungkook's hair.


"It's so hard to find someone worth hooking up with these days" I.U says, Jungkook knows where she is going, "If you are free tonight--"

"Why don't you hook up with Jaehyun, he looks pretty free" Jungkook says in a Joking tone, but he is serious.

"oh please" Jaehyun exagerrates, "I have my eyes on this boy and I would rather sleep with him than with I.U, no offense"

"none taken" she is still standing too close to Jungkook, and he feels very uncomfortable.

"oooohhhhh here he comes, bet he changed his mind and wants to hook up with me after all" Jaehyun says.

"Who--" Jungkook follows Jaehyun's eyes and fuck, of fucking course it was Taehyung.

Taehyung walks straight to Jungkook and gets inbetween I.U and Jungkook and sits on his lap.

"I--" Jaehyun looks at them with wide eyes.

"Your friends?" Tae asks Jungkook, who is at loss of words, the boy nods.

"Hi, I'm Taehyung, his boyfriend" Taehyung presses on the word boyfriend and Jungkook chokes.

"What!?" Jaehyun coughs.

Tae's eyes are still on I.U who is still standing too close, "oh-um-hi I'm Lee Ji-eun, everyone calls me I.U" she smiles.

"oh the ex. Nice meeting you Ji-eun" Taehyung doesn't like her, not because of jealousy, no, absolutely not.

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