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Jungkook focus:

"Hey I.U, what are you up to ?" Jungkook as planned calls Mr.Lee's daughter. Hopefully she knows the locations of hide outs.

"Going to the club with some friends" she replies.

"Cool" Jungkook doesn't want to invite himself, its gonna look pathetic.

"Come join us Jeon !! It's been a while since we all hanged out together, its like you don't even know us anymore" 

Jungkook smirks, "You know, I will never forget you guys."

"Prove it" she says.

Jungkook sighs dramatically, "Okay, send me the address of the club, I'll be there"

"Yay!!" I.U squels, "I'll send it you"

"Perfect" Jungkook ends the call.

It's simple, he has to change into some party clothes, take his own car, pretend to have a good time, get the information.

He gets home and quickly changes into some expensive clothes he had at the back of his closet and goes to his car, he values it more than his own life.

30 minutes later he's at the bar and instantly he notices the group of people.

"Look who's here!!" One of them yells, "Hey Jeon you alive? thought you were dead!!" other giggles.

"I was just busy with the company" Jungkook says, that's his cover. None of his friends know that he is a police officer, even though he is exteremly proud of it, he's not going to tell them.  He puts on a facade in front of them, he doesn't know why. Even though he's surrounded by a lot of people he always felt so alone. Its maybe because his so called friends don't see him as a friend but rather a money bag.

"Here have a drink !" the girl sitting next to I.U offers him.

"Can't. I have to drive back" he refuses.

"So? since when did you become so boring? following rules? have some fun!!"

"I can have fun!" Jungkook smirks and drags I.U to the dance floor. 

"Show me your moves lover boy" I.U giggles, 'she's already wasted, perfect! just sweet talk her and get the information' he thinks.

They dance for a while, "Its been so long kookieeeee !! you remember all the fun we used to have before and after dating !! the spontaneous trips we would go on" she reminiscences.

Jungkook plays along, "yeah! you know what I miss ?"


"all those secret guest houses we would sneak into and once your father found out !! he was so mad!" Jungkook laughs.

"Oh my God!! I remember it so clearly" she giggles. "My father finding us like that did bring me some advantage"


"He gave me all the three guest houses. It belongs to me now" she prides herself, "I party there every weekend"

"All three? we went to 4 guest houses" Jungkook says.

"yeah, he wouldn't give me the big one, so mean" she pouts.

'JACKPOT!' "It's okay, atleast you have 3 small ones" Jungkook smiles.

"c'mon guys lets play spin the bottle or some crap" one of them shouts and Jungkook takes I.U back to the seats.

Jungkook pulled out his phone and texts Yoongi, he checks his phone after a while, still Yoongi hasn't seen it, so he walks off and dials Yoongi's number, "Hyung, I've sent names of 4 guest houses, check which is the biggest among them. That's the one" 

"um--O-okay, I'll get on it" Yoongi ends the call.

Jungkook goes back to the crowd, makes sure to talk to everyone, share a few laughs, pretends he's enjoying.

"It's pretty late, I should go" Jungkook says after 3 hours.

Some asks him to stay, but he refuses politely, saying he will hang out with them soon and walks out of the club.

He wished it was the La Elixr Club, atleast he could have met Taehyung, his blue hair angel.

He sighs and drives off, he keeps driving for a while until he notices someone familiar walking in the street, he takes a closer look and smiles. The person turns to the alleyway and keeps walking. 

Jungkook parks his car and runs after them.

"Taehyung !!" 

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