First A Friend. Now A partner.

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Crystal P.O.V
It was probably the best sleep I've had ever since I was kicked out of my home. I had change into some spare clothes that Diantha gave me because they didn't fit her anymore. A light bage sweater with open shoulders and black jeggings. My hair was back to its normal platinum blonde instead of dirty blonde. I walked down stairs happily humming to myself  with eevee on my shoulder....
"Sleep well" Diantha asked
"I slept like a log" I said. Diantha laughed
"Great to hear" Diantha said handing me a plate of pancakes with a glob of whipped cream on the side. And she poured a bowl of pokemon food for Eevee.
"Now does eevee have a proper pokeball?" Diantha asked
"No unfortunately" I sighed
"With the little change I did get I used that for food." I said
"Hmm wait here. I'll be back in a second" Diantha said....she came back a moment later with a pink pokeball in her hand.
"A heal ball?" I asked
"Nope a love ball" Diantha said
"A love ball?" I asked
"You have a strong bond with eevee. You would want to use a love ball" Diantha said. I took the love ball and turned to eevee. She tapped her head on the pokeball. It shook once. Shook twice. Shook three times. Then a red light went off indicating that the catch was successful...I smiled.

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