Battling With Burning Strength!

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"Great. So how is the feebass doing?"
"Feebass is feeling much better. He has made a full recovery"
"Great! Thats amazing to hear. I know a perfect trainer for him! Thank you!"

Crystal P.O.V
"He's beautiful!" Lilly stated as she pet Dragonair,
"He reminds me of the ocean" Lana said.
"If I recall Correctly, Dragonair is a dragon type. But can learn water and ice type moves right?" Kiawe stated.
"Yup and there's one more cool thing he can do as well" I smiled.
"Can we see it?" Lana asked, I nodded. Jumped onto his back and we went soaring!
"Dont hurt yourself!" Diantha called out to me. I pulled down and landed and jumped off..

Now that Diantha and Crystal have spent there time in Alola. The two unfortunately have 3 days left, but Crystal still has a lot to ask.

"Its down here Madison!" A familiar voice sounded.
"Huh? Oh its ash" lily smiled.
"There you are!" Madison sounds as well.
"Oh hey Madison! How's feebass?" I asked.
"Hes doing just fine. But I need your help with something Crystal" Madison asked.
"Sure what is it?" I asked.
"I'd like to battle you"
"You see. Amera may be champion and all but her battles get kinda boring. Think you can do a one-on-one against me?" Madison asked.
"I mean sure I guess." I replied
"Whats the catch?" I asked.
"No catch. How about this. You win, I give you the most recent pokèmon I've caught. I win, you release the most recent pokèmon you've caught." Madison explained,
"Deal!" I snapped
"Did she really just agree to a battle! She doesn't stand a chance at winning!"
"Trust me. She won't lose."

We walked a good distance away from each on the beach.
"Ok Decidueye your up!"
"Go for it! Braixen!" I called.
Braixen lashed out of her pokèball, and the green and brown owl pokèmon lashed out of Madison pokèball.

"Ok. Braixen. Use fire blast!" I yelped.
"Braixen!" She yelped as she jumped up and pulled out her stick from her tail, fire lashing from it.
"Decidueye fly up and use Steal wing!"
"Cidueye!" Decidueye shot up and aimed for Braixen, his wings glew a beautiful silver steel color before striking at Braixen. To which she fell towards the sandy earth.
"Braixen are you ok?" I asked.
She jumped back up onto her feet, yelped as she did so in agreement.
"Great than use quick attack" I called pointing my arm forward. Braixen charged forward,
"Decidueye! Acrobatics now!" Madison demanded.
Decidueye charged at Braixen head on, Braixen ducked to Dodge the attack. Only for Decidueye to soar back down to her, sticking her right on her back, soaring back up, then down, strike repeat.
"Now decidueye use confusion!" Madison shouted.
A large purple and blue energy beam shot at Braixen sending her into the air.
"And now use Brave bird!" Decidueye shot up before I could react for Braixen and then strikes against her, sending her to the ground infront of me.
"Braixen!" I shouted as she landed on the sand.
I ran to her.
'I shouldn't be doing this its too dangerous, but I can't help it!'
"Braixen!" I cried as I hugged her.
"C'mon girl get up! You have to!"

"Vulpix come here!" I smiled as vulpix jumped up against my hands before jumping into the air. Using powdered snow to follow her.

"Your dancing is beautiful together!" I smiled at Eevee, Dratini and Vulpix.
"One day. When all of you are big and strong. We can do so much more!" I smiled

"I have an idea. Its dangerous. But it may have a better chance at keeping these guys in their place long enough for you to strike. Please Ruby let me help" I asked.

"Braixen use flamethrower!"
"Vulpix quick use Powdered snow!"
"Alright we did it yeah!" I smiled at the two of them

"All of you. One day. One day we'll be on the same stage as Serena. And we'll win!"

"Braixen please!" I cried.
"Finish it off with leafage!" Madison said.
"Crystal get out of there!"
I waited. I waited for the impact of the strong winds of the leave to come but they just didn't.
When I looked, Braixen was holding her stick forward as a bright purple-blueish transparent screen sent the winds around and past us.

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