Groudons Cave

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"Here we are" Ruby chimed as Verdell desended from the air.
"What is this place?" Crystal asked as she walked into the cave shortly behind Ruby.
"This is a place that I go to, to hunt down rare stones. While Diantha and Steven are out doing whatever there doing attempting to uncover mega evolution. I had just thought you didn't want to be alone in your hotel room" Ruby explained.
"Oh I see. So your just much as a geek when it comes to stones right?" Crystal asked on the final part.
"Well yes and no. You see my dream is own my own jewelry design shop." Ruby said
"Oh. Well in that case. Have you ever heard of Grace's Designs?" Crystal asked
"Grace's designs. I don't recall. Why?" Ruby added.
"My mother owned her own fashion designer company. Although I didn't hear very much about it after I was left on the streets" Crystal said.
"It could be possible that due to court laws and everything, she needed to change the name of the company" Ruby stated.
"Yeah I think that is what happened" Crystal said. Ruby looked up at the ceiling of the cave.
"Look at all of those. Most of them are fire stone shards. All just evolve fire type pokèmon" Ruby spoke.
"Loi~" Verdell cried.
"You have Quite the Dream. Don't you Ruby?" Crystal said.
"Of course I mean. You should as well right. Tell me what is your dream" Ruby said.
"My dream? Hm. I guess my Dream is to meet a legendary or rare pokèmon. I mean yeah I have other dreams to. But"
"But what?"
"My father always had an obsession over the legendary pokèmon Xerneas. During his free-time which was quite often. He would obsess over the pokèmon. And be determine to catch it" Crystal explained
"Which isn't possible. Let's say he did find its location. He would still need to battle it and prove his worth. Which I don't think he will" Ruby chimed in
"I mean thats how I got verdell. I saved him and he took interest into me. So he joined me on my journey" Ruby added.
The two walked for a few moments in silences.
"Here we are." Ruby spoke as the two entered a large room. With a stoned groudon near the end, surrounded it was lava.
"Thats not real. Is it?" Crystal asked as ruby sent out her gardevoir.
"Yep....gardevoir can you use light screen and make some steps for us" Ruby asked looking at the Embrace pokèmon...
"So that's her Gardevoir. Looks just likes Dianthas" Ruby mumbled.
"Hm? You say something?" Ruby asked
"Huh oh. Umm. I had just thought your Gardevoir was gonna be shiny. Just like Verdell and your Espeon" Crystal explained.
"Nope." Ruby said
"Here come up." Ruby said stepping on the light screen stairs that led up to the stoned pokèmon.
"If I recall. This one is...groudon?" Crystal said.
"Yes. It will remained stoned once the red orb is found again." Ruby spoke.
Crystal reached out to touch it, she place her hand against the head. When she did she felt a warm sensation send through her body.

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