Near Lost You.

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"Ok and all you need to do is sign her miss Diantha and Crystal will legally be in your custody" The woman explained. 'I officially have another guardian' Crystal thought.
"Ok great. Thanks for stopping by" The woman declared. Diantha and Crystal stood up as they left the law office...And Crystal was nearly crying.
"Are you crying Crystal?" Diantha asked
"N-no, m-maybe" Crystal utted whipping her eyes. Diantha bent down in to face her.
"Look. Whatever your perents thought in the past. They where just being idots and they just didn't realize the treasure they threw away. One day. When you are successful. They will realize how badly they screwed Up. You have a lot more in you and I can see it" Diantha explained. Crystal cried a little as she hugged Diantha. "Ey what did I say about crying?" Diantha said. Crystal laughed slightly. The two continued walking before they took a turn onto a busy street. Maybe a little too busy. One thing led to another Crystal felt an overly rough hand grab her wrist and was being dragged away from Diantha!.
"STOP LET ME GO!" Crystal cried attempting to get lose of the grip of her kidnapper.
"Quit Panicking Brat" That voice. It was way to familiar for Crystal. She would recognize that voice from a mile away. She just wished. That she could forget that voice.
'This isn't happening!'
'It can't be!'
"STOP! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!" Crystal Screamed in attempts to draw attention to her... thankfully luck was on her side.
"Pikachu use quick attack!" A boys voice sounded. Next thing Crystal new her father was sent to the ground and a pokemon caught her.

Ash P.O.V
"STOP! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!" I turned to Clement Something isnt right. "Hey look over there! On the otherside of the street!" Bonnie said. Ponting at a young girl being dragged by a man.
"Pikachu use quick attack!" I yelled. Pikachu launches off my shoulder making direct contact with the man.
"Luxray don't let her fall!" Clement explained throwing Luxray pokèball. Luxray lashed out and landed behind the girl keeping her from hitting the ground.
"CRYSTAL!" Dianthas voice sounded. We all ran over to the girl, with the man attempting to get up and run away. Luxray made sure that didn't happen.
"Crystal!" Diantha said hugging the poor girl. I could hear the girls loud sobs...
"Are you two ok?" Bonnie asked kneeling down to face the poor girl.
"I-I-I-I t-t-think s-so" The girl Cried turning to the three of us.
"Thank you so much Ash. if It wasn't for you. I probably never would have caught up to her" Diantha said in a worried voice.
"Its a good thing we acted when we did" I said.
"HEY NO GET BACK HERE!" Bonnie called. The man stood up before running away.
"Its ok Bonnie let the police find him" Clement explained.
The girl stood up and turned to us.
"Thank you. All of you" The girl said..
"My name is Crystal" Crystal said.
"I'm Bonnie and this is dedenne" bonnie said
"Denee!" Dedenne cried
"My name is Clement and this is luxray" Clement said
"Ray luxray" Luxray purred
"And my name is ash. And this is my partner pikachu" I explained
"Say Crystal do you know what that was all about?" Bonnie asked.
"That was my so called "father" he kicked me out after I took in a pokemon" Crystal told us looking down.
"What pokèmon was it?" Bonnie asked
"Before we do anything else let's head somewhere other than here" Clement said
"Good idea" I replied


"Alright Both of you come on out!" Crystal called yelling two pokeballs.
Out came a white eevee and a grey fennekin.
"Wow there both Shiny" Bonnie said
"Just like the one performer" Bonnie said.
"Yep. I found Eevee walking home from school one day. And fennekin recently became my partner" Crystal explained...
"Again Ash thank you for saving Crystal. All of you. I nearly lost her if it wasnt for you three." Diantha explained.
"It is what was right" Bonnie said.
"And where glad we where just able to do the right thing" Clement said.
"Yeah" I said...

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