The Bonds of Evolution!

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Quick A/N this chapter isn't actually official in Crystals stories. Which is why Her current Braixon Is Delphox Her evolution will happen soon tho. Enjoy!!

I have very bad wrighters block. Hwelp🥲🥲🥲

"Woah a huge pokèmon battle" Ash said
As he looked at a screen, displaying the champion Diantha and her Daughter along with two other trainers
"And it's taking place right here in town" Clement added.
"Wow" Serena said
"We should definitely go!" Ash explained
"Wait is that? It is Diantha and Crystal doing an Expedition battle" Serena explained,
"Thats wonderful"
"Awesome Alright! Sooo who's Diantha and Crystal anyway?" Ash asked.
Serena, Clement and Bonnie practically fell over in disappointment.
"How can you not know who they are!" Serena Spat,
"Shes the strongest Trainer in all of kalos. That's who" Clement explained,
"Yep she's the champion!" Bonnie explained,
"Really No kidding!?" Ash asked.
"Pika?" Ash looked back at the screen.
"Diantha the champion huh?" Ash asked.
"Not only is Diantha the champion, she also happens to be a worlds famous movie star. And her daughter, Crystal Is the kalos princess."
"Movie star, kalos princess?" Ash asked.
"Just have a look up there" Serena said pointing to two build boreds.
"Thats her in the blockbuster. 'My sweet Sweet lady'" Clement said, then looked at another build bored.
"Elements and a dignified presents the all around perfect leading lady" Serena explained
"Thats Crystal, trying on and showcasing lady Valerie Newest designs" She added added.
"I so admire them" Serena awed,
"I do to!" Clement added.
"Yes!" Ash yelped in excitement
"Thats it. I'll challenge her"
"Huh!!?" Serena asked,
"In that case ill asked her to take care of Clement for me!!" Bonnie cheered.
"Uh. That's even more ridiculous. Clement mumbled.
"C'mon let's go see them!" Ash said taking off.


"Uh Excuse me I'd like to get a word with miss Diantha"
"I have a few questions for miss Crystal!"
"Everyone settle down!"
"Hey check out those crowds"
"Now, Diantha and Crystal won't be seeing anyone or getting any interviews today!"
"Well would you look at that " ash mumbled,
"Where out of luck" Serena added,
"Shall we go back?" Clement asked.
"Hey over here..."
"Nice to see you" Professor sycamore opened a door.
"Professor sycamore?!" Ash asked,
The group walked inside the door he opened before closing it.
"What are you doing here Professor?" Serena asked.
"Theres only one reason for me to be away from my lab, and whats that?"
"Your here to do research on mega evolution right?" Clement asked
"Still as perspective as ever Clement"
"Exactly, I'm doing extensive research on Dianthas gardevoir."
"And it's mega evolution" Sycamore explained,
"Wow gardevoir" ash said,
"It can really mega evolve?" Asked Clement,
"It sure can"
"Wow i wanna see" ash said
"Have you already seen Diantha or Crystal Professor?" Asked Serena her face full if hope.
"I have" He turned to a door.
"Huh?" Asked Serena,
"The two of them are getting there makeup done in the next room"
"Diantha and Crystal are on the other side of that door!" Serena chirped.
"Wow wow wow!" Cheered
"We are so unbelievably lucky!" Clement said
"Yes! I'm gonna challenge her to a battle!" Ash said walking for the door...

"Sorry to keep you wait Professor"
"Didn't mean to take so long!"

Crystal P.O.V.
Fiddling with thr ruffles at the top of my shirt I sighed.
"Are you really that nervous?" Diantha asked walking over to me.
"I know I've done battles before buts, it's just been soo long. What if I screw up?" I asked,
"Hey." Diantha bent down to look at me. "Remember, performance or not. You've trained for this. You and Delphox are gonna do amazing alright?"
"Hmp! Yeah" I smiled
"Good let's go. We don't wanna keep the Professor waiting" Diantha said reaching for the door handle.
And opened the door. We walked out.
"Sorry to keep you waiting Professor" Diantha said
"Didn't mean to take so long!" I said.
And looked around, to see other people.
'Huh? When did they get here?' I thought.
"Oh dear? I see you have guests don't you?" Diantha asked
"Its Diantha for real!" The blond girl chirped
"So pretty"
"And the kalos princess, I'm in awe"
"Hehe. Why thank you" Diantha thanked
"Thank you!" I smiled.
"So. Did you reconsider what we spoke about earlier Diantha?" Professor sycamore asked.
"You must mean about me lending you this Keystone right?" Asked Diantha, my hand swelled into a fist.
'Why did he re-ask if she already said no!' I thought,
"Keystone?" Asked a raven haired boy.
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't" Diantha spoke, putting my fist to ease,
"If there is anything I'm able to help you with ill be happy to" Diantha explained,
"But this Keystone is part of the bond I have with gardevoir," Diantha explained,
"Bond?" Asked the boy,
"I can't lend it to anyone sorry" Diantha said,
"I understand how you feel but please"
"Alright maybe the next time we return to lumiose City, if we have the tim-"
"Not gonna happen!" Dianthas manager  Mia stepped in making us jump.
"Dianthas schedule is already jammed pack! Right now we haven't any plans to lumios City!" Mia spat,
'I hate giving that attitude, thank you Mia' I thought.
"Your expression is still as cute as ever when you get angry you know." Mia shoved a book in his face,
"Why don't we discuss this whole, schedule conflict in a dinner?" Sycamore asked.
"No thanks!" Mia spat
"You two are on soon. Are you both all set to go?" Mia asked looking at us.
"Yes. Your all welcome to stay for the expedition battle" Diantha offerd. Before walking away. I trailed behind her.
We walked out past a crowd and out to the tunnel that led us out for the feild...
"You all set to go?" Diantha asked, I nodded.
"Remember how we went over this ok?" She whispers i nodded.
"And know for today's main event!"
"Please welcome our trainers!" We followed someone out that led us onto the feild.
"Crown best of town just last year, say hi to magnus. And the youngest daughter in the Stone family all the way from hoenn, say hi to the mega evolution Master Stephanie!"
"The two of them will be facing off the kalos region champion Diantha! And her Daughter. Kalos princess Crystal!" We both waved as we walked to our end of the feild.
"Yay Diantha!"
"Go Crystal!"
"Alright gardevoir its time. Let's show the fans a spectacular battle!" Diantha said throwing the pokèball.
I held Delphoxs pokèball to my forehead.
"Battle or performance! Let's show everyone the best we can show!" I chirped throwing the pokèball.
Gardevoir and the purple Delphox lashed out.
"Now Absol let's go!"
"I'm counting on you Altaria!"
An Altaria and Absol lashed out of two pokèballs.
"Now! Let the battle begin!"
Without turning my head I looked at Diantha, her doing the same and blink twice.
'Got it!'
I nodded at Delphox, she grabbed her stick lighting it and looked directly at the flame............
"Del-del de- Delphox!" Delphox chirped looking at gardevoir she nodded in understanding,
" Ok Altaria use moonblast!"
"Absol use bite!"
A pink ball of energy charged at Delphox, she doged it and Gardevoir teleported left and right avoiding the absols biting.
"Alrigt use psycho cut!"
"Dragon Breath go!"
"Use shadow ball!
"Delphox Fystical fire!"
Gardevoir sent a large ball of black energy past the psycho cut and hit Absol,.
Delphox spun her stick around and blasted fire through the rings of fire, striking Altaria with a critical hit.
"In that case. Use perish song!"
"And Check mate use moonblast" Diantha snapped her fingers. Gardevoir sent a large energy from the moon at the two pokèmon. Taking out the absol, but not Altaria.
"Ok Altaria use dragon claw!"
"Delphox to the sky then down!" I commanded.
Delphox using physic threw Altaria into the sky before knocking back to the ground, the Altaria fainting.
"Absol and Altaria are unable to battle, which means the victory goes to Diantha and Crystal!" The crowed chears, we smiled and wave to them. Hey thats our job after all.

A/N I didn't do the full episode cause I'm having wrighters block RN. This was just something I decided to post because I couldn't think of anything. While I still have u here. Do you guys want a Thanksgiving chapter/oneshot? It crossed my mind. While wrighting this, lemme know in the comments pls!

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