Chapter 97 - Secret Garden (Bruce Springsteen)

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Nate tapped my shoulder and I slow down a bit so I can hear her.

"Don't mean to be a backseat driver, Babe. But the Hilltop turn-off was about four miles ago."

"Takin the scenic route"  I called out.

"Okaaaay then. Think you can find a scenic pitstop, within say....twenty minutes? Is that the river we crossed over a while ago, Rappahannock?"

My missus might have rampant baby brain. But she still don't miss a trick, huh? Observant as ever.

"Yep, it comes out where the bay meets the sea. Just south of Oceanside"  I throttle up again.

Siddiq warned me that rides like this can't go on once she hits her last trimester. That all the bumpin and vibrations won't be too good for her or the baby.

But neither Nate nor our little feller is complaining right now. Alfie is doin a tap dance on my spine, havin himself a right good old time.

While his Momma is happily welding herself to me. Lettin go of what sounds like little sighs of bliss to be out and about. Just the three of us, alone together for a change.

I'm happier than a hog in mud too. Except, that feelin is tempered with a fair bit of aggro as well.

Cos 'someone'  (i.e. Rick) has blabbed. And I'm guessin I got maybe an hour to get my shit together? Before I gotta explain why I've kept it all secret from her.

One of a couple actually....  🤐


I spot the sign on a gate, hanging askew.

Reckon it's as good a place to stop as any, so I veer on in. Weave my bike uphill slightly through several acres of overgrown vine rows. Chestnuts interspersed with fig and olive trees make up the borders.

The whole joint is done up to look like one of them French or Eyetalyun fancy chateau places or somethin. Only now? It's reaching the point of being ripe for renovation.

"Strewth!  Talk about bloody cruel, Dixon"  Nate muttered while I pushed open one of the big wrought iron entry gates.

Took a fair bit of grunt work cos it's seized some with rust. They're set in a high stone wall that stretches all the way around to the river bank.

"What're yer grumpin on about, woman?"

"Choosing a winery  for my pee break....honestly?"

"It's scenic, ain't it? Got yerself a problem with that?"

Once we were in, I steered towards the biggest building I could spot. The whole place itself is massive overall.

These walls must still be pretty sound? The noise from my bike would've drawn walkers but we can't see any or hear groans within the grounds.

"Ummmm, helloooo! Preggers....not allowed to drink alcohol?" The missus sounds right ticked off about that little fact  😉

"All that wine crap tastes like piss anyways. Besides, coulda been worse. Might've kept going to that whisky distillery Aaron and Enid found....instead of here."

I grin wickedly when her mouth dropped open with longing almost.

"Now you're just being plain mean, mister! I would've crossed my legs and held on for that  had I known about it."

"Quit yer bitchin....and move yer ass"  I pat her bum then turn to open the door of what's probably the public cellar.

"Hey, where are yer goin?"  I yell, watching her scurry hell for leather towards an orchard growin behind the building.

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