Chapter 11 - My People (The Presets)

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"Once we all get won't be staying."

Carol announced this from the back seat of the Jeep.

She'd finally told us how Rick had banished her from the prison. At the height of the illness and before the Governor attacked. That's why she relied on Tyreese to tell the story.

Couldn't add to she wasn't even there in the first place.

We left the little cabin two days ago, going slower than a snail's pace. Because we had to pretty much stay right on or near the train tracks now.

But by my reckoning? Terminus is less than three miles away. Three miles until I reunite with my hubby and the rest of our family again.

"How about we wait until we get there to discuss it, Carol? As I think we've got some other priorities right now."

I pulled the Jeep off the tracks. Soon as I spotted a huge cluster of walkers in the rear-view mirror.

Turning off the ignition, we listened to the sound of gunfire over their snarling. The herd is probably five hundred strong and like a flock of starlings, they follow the shots.

Start stumbling towards Terminus.

When they were a few hundred yards away from us we all got out of the vehicle. Tyreese held Judith while Carol and I scanned the area.

"I know you'll think me crazy. Especially considering how desperate I am to get find everyone. But I'm not going to just walk up to the gate. I've learnt the hard way."

"So if it's Ok with you both? I aim to play this safe. Check out the lie of the land first and take some precautions."

Tyreese and Carol glanced at each other, then back at me. Nodded.

I went to the rear of the car. Retrieved my automatic rifle, ammo bag, some grenades and flash bangs. Grabbing two canvas condom sets, I hand one over to Carol.

"Just going for a quick reccie, will be back in twenty minutes. Why don't you get ready, Carol? Tyreese....can you give Juju something to eat? Then maybe she'll have a quiet little nap while we're gone."

Again, nods from them both.

Since leaving the cabin, they've pretty much left all the decisions up to me. Haven't really spoken directly to each other....not since Carol's confession.

"C'mon, Mutt"  I whispered to my little farty bum.


Two minutes in, the realisation hit me. How much I've missed the freedom of being out in the woods.

Tracking, identifying sounds and hunting for food. And my thoughts inevitably turned to Daryl....who's usually my companion and teacher.

Now that we're getting closer to being together again?

I can't help but brood on how he'll go upon seeing me....not dead after all. I know it probably won't be the same response as Tyreese's. Disbelieving then overjoyed.

My friend told me about Daryl's reaction when he heard I'd been taken ill. And how he'd been rendered almost feral, believing me dead.

It's taken my man so long to show any emotions at all....except to me. And I'm a bit anxious at how such intense feelings of fear, anger and sorrow might've impacted him.

Especially if he's been alone over the last few weeks. With no one to help him get through it.

Well, I suppose I'll just have to deal when I see him. And I have to admit, my impatience to hold him is almost killing me.

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