Chapter 31 - Mad World (Tears For Fears)

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"What the....?"

I gaped at Glenn when I skidded to a stop. And he did the same back at me, wild-eyed. Nate and Carl drew up next to us.

We all just stared at the tableau in shock.

Rick's face is smeared with blood. He's beatin the holy fuck out of that Pete. The one Nate has taken one mutha of a dislike to.

Carl ducked forward before she could nab him. He tried to pull his old man away, but Rick shoved him off without even a backwards glance.

Nate grabbed him, wrapping her arms tight around his to stop him going forward again.

That little girl of his....Enid? When she came up, Nate took hold of her as well. Now both of em are in her arms and shaking like hell.

Deanna, Reg and a whole load of townsfolk have now arrived on the scene.

"STOP"  She yelled.

"Damn it, Rick....I said STOP!"

"Or what?"  Rick has gone non-compos mentis again, waving a pistol at her.

"You gonna kick me out? You still don't get it, none of you do. We  know what needs to get done and we do it. You just sit....plan....hesitate."

"Your way of doing things is done. Starting right now, we have to live in the real world....control who comes in here."

"That's never been more clearer to me than it is right now"  Deanna's voice sounded steely when she answered him.

"If you don't fight, you die. And I'm not gonna stand by...."

Michonne smacked him upside the head with the butt of her gun before he could finish the sentence. He went down and hit the road hard.

Out for the count.

I motioned to Nate who shepherded the kids back to his house. Followed by myself, Morgan, Glenn and Michonne....carryin Rick's limp form between us.


"I got guys go on now"  Morgan ordered quietly, pulling Rick's boots off once he was on his bed.

Nate and me met up at the base of the stairs.

"Carl and Enid are up in the attic with some food. They're Ok now, well....a bit better anyway. What on earth happened do you think?"

"You were right, Nate....always trust your gut. Sam spilled to me a little while ago and I told Rick"  Carol's voice cut in on us.

"That alcy piece of human waste? He beats up on all of them, has done for years now. That's why Sam is so...."  Her voice stammered in fury.

"Rick went over to talk with Jessie, tell her we'll keep them safe. Sam said Pete came in and went crazy....then Rick did too."

"Those bastards!  Some of them know what he's doing to them. And did nothing to stop it, still won't."

Where's Pete now?"  I'm itchin to go and kill the prick.

Reckon I'll have to get in line behind Carol and Nate though.

"Empty house on the far side of the compound. Michonne is trying to talk Deanna down....calm the rest of those cowards. Nothing else we can do until Rick comes around."

"Not likely to get much sense out of him until the morning. So you two might as well grab some food and head on home. We'll keep an eye on Rick and the kids."

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