Chapter 70 - Back's To The Wall (Divinyls)

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Authors Note: You've probably noticed by now that the title songs have lyrics or meanings with some correlation to the chapter contents.

If ever there was a song that truly sums up what's happening with Nate, then this is it. It's one that's had a powerful impact on my own life, and I saved it particularly for now.

Do me a favour and have a listen before or after you read this chapter?

Chrissie Amphlett's (RIP) voice was always distinctive, but never so raw as it was in this song.



"Stop crying, hush now. We ain't got us long. So you just keep being a good girl and do what I say....Owwww fucking zip! "

His gaze and free hand left my chest as he bent his head. Began to fumble with his jeans and belt buckle.

'Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.'

That simple action plus his absolute confidence I'm a shaking, terrified wreck who's too traumatised to move?

Proved to be his downfall.

Except I AM  terrified. And the memories flooding back are making me gag.


Don't think, Nate....just do! You have to.

My hands curled into fists and I gave Mitch the big thumbs up....straight into his eyes.

All that ran through my head is that scene in Kill Bill 2. When Uma Thurman plucked Daryl Hannah's eyeball from her head....then squished it between her bare toes?

You know, the make-up artists did a good job of making her feet look really unattractive. And now that I think about it her toenails were pretty manky too. Bet she went out and had a pedicure right aft....

Mitch's shriek of agony brought me back from the absurd place I'd fled to in my head. To stop thinking about the fact that my thumbs are doing a little 'one....two....Cha-Cha-Cha'  with his corneas.

His palms slapped themselves over two bloody caverns and Mitch staggered unseeingly backwards. I yanked the rag from his grasp and with one hand shoved it into his gaping mouth before he can scream again.

Whilst my other one pulled itself back into a fisted ball of pure energy.

Then jettisoned forward with every skerrick of strength I had in me. The crunching sound when it hit his throat could've been his windpipe crushing....or the bones in my hand breaking.

I flexed it in agony.

Nup....definitely him I think?

He made sounds that might've been even more screams. But as his larynx and windpipe are now completely obliterated, they didn't come out that way.

When I spun Mitch around and gave him an almighty shove he went down like a stone. Face solidly smacking the floor. Bones shattered as I dropped onto my knees in the middle of his back....pushing out the little bit of air left in his lungs.

The tears pouring from my eyes aren't crocodile one's anymore.

It was probably a minute after his final twitch? When I stopped focusing on the silk threads surrounding the bare light bulb on the ceiling. Bent over and threw up beside his head.

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