Chapter 53: Endgame

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"We're clear. Move in." Price said as they move forward crossing the bridge and into another cave. They stacked up at the door as they get ready to breach. Price nodded and so does Soap. Price open the door as Soap and Glaz went inside first followed by Fuze and then Price.

When they entered the cave all they found was a command and control center with no-one inside.

"Where's everybody?" Soap asked.

No one answered his question as they heard something else. "What the hell is that sound?"

Price found the source of the sound he looked down to see a bomb with a timer on 15.03.15 seconds. "Go! Get out! Now!" They don't have to be told twice as they instantly run to the exit. "Go! Go! Go!" Price shouted as their adrenaline gets higher urging them to go faster. Soap was the one in front pushing the door open as they got out.

The four of them drop down to the ground and prepared for the bombs to detonate.




Three explosions rocked back and forth as the team went deaf for a brief moment from the explosion. "C'mon! Get up!" Price shouted for the others to hear.

Price looked down to see an area full of enemy soldiers. He's the first one to engage as he opened fire on the enemies below while his team recovered.

"Excalibur, this is Gold Eagle. Fire mission - target package Romeo - danger close." Shepherd's voice can be heard on their comms line.

"That's within a hundred meters of your position, sir?"

"That's not a suggestion send it."

"Roger fire mission danger close."

"Incoming! Get down!" Price shouted but the team is still recovering. He grabbed on their collar as they fell to the ground as the Little Bird helicopters opened fire on the ground despite the friendlies below them.






The team stood up again they feel a bit shaky and dizzy from the continuous explosion on their proximity. Fuze was the first to recover as he looked down in disbelief to see Shepherd ordered his men to opened fire on one of they're own. "черт возьми!" (fuckin hell) Fuze muttered.

"Since when does Shepherd care about danger close. Let's move." Price said killing the soldiers to put them out of they're misery.

"All units, this is Gold Eagle. Close the tunnels. Now."

"Shepherd must be hitting the waters. There's a stream below us." Glaz said.

"Head for the tunnel! We can't let him get away!"

As the team is heading down the tunnel enemy choppers started to emerge behind them. It landed down several meters away from them as Shadow Company started to mobilize they're units.

"You guys go. We'll cover you." Fuze said blocking off the exit with his shield in front. "No time, Price go!" The Russian soldiers ordered.

"Alright, good luck!" Price said entering the cave with Soap leaving the two Russians behind.

The two Spetsnaz nodded at Price as their going to deal with the enemy outside. The pair quickly separated finding the best cover for them them to hide. Glaz went right and took cover behind a rock while Fuze went the opposite and hides under a metal table. The Shadow's stopped at they're position laying down suppressive fire while some of them move forward.

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