Soul Bond

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After defeating their prey, they cooked the meat and divided it evenly, sizzling just over the large campfire waiting to be devoured. The small group enjoyed the large meal together with laughter and words, savoring the free time they get outside of training.

Kyrios sat at the center chewing on the cartilage wrapped around the bone, with two larger uncooked slabs sitting just behind the group. Alucard and William sat to his right respectively, each eating their pieces at their own pace.

"I can't believe you two took it down that quickly." Kyrios said, bone still in his mouth.

Alucard smiled, reflecting the orange waves against his perfect teeth, "Haha! It was pretty fun—" then turns to William, "Wasn't it?" 

William lets out a loud laugh of adolescence, "Yeah!" 

"Haha! You boys have spirit!" Kyrios said.

Goat sat to Kyrios' left, with their recent feathered friend, and Dasos just behind its wings. The two hadn't noticed Dasos, who was completely covered by purple wings.

Goat poked his head out from behind his master, "More like crazy..."

The bird did the same, poking from just behind Goat, "Gawaw."

And Dasos soon followed, perfecting the three stooges, "Grratcha!" 

William and Alucard were unaware that Dasos had returned, the last memory they had of him was his wings springing beyond the clouds, disappearing from their vision during their first task under Kyrios. And now he sat at the campfire, covered with leftovers as if he hadn't eaten in days, agreeing with Goat's analysis. 

"Dasos?!" William and Alucard said.

Alucard stands tall, and straightforward from his lethargic position, "That jerk! He left us and has some never eating our food!"

William holds back Alucard from stomping out his winged companion, pressing his back against the shouting vampire, and smiles "He says he misses you, Dasos!" 

Kyrios continued to gaze at the campfire, his mind strayed from the mindless mustering between friends and thought of something much direr. 

"William, what is your decision on the soul bond?" Kyrios asked.

William blinked, and stopped from lollygagging with Alucard, he realized how serious his teacher was, and so he reflected that "Hmm..." he deeply thought, then said, "I'm not sure how I want to go about this... I guess it's up to Dasos, Sensei."

Kyrios lowered his head and grinned with joy, "Hmph... Alright." he said, then thought, That was the only right answer. I wouldn't do it if the answer was anything else than that...

Kyrios turns from the flame, and to his left, where Dasos sat, "Alright... Dasos, are you ready?"

Dasos noded his small blue head, "Grmmm."

Goat added a nod of his own, "He says yes."

This is the only way he can keep Dasos along with him on his journey... It shouldn't take long for Dasos to begin growing, and once he's full-grown, that will be impossible to hide

"Fine. I'll do it then. The first thing I'll need from both of you is a blood sample." Kyrios said, then pulls out two small spice bowls from his clothing.

The wooden spice bowls appeared dingy and old, with aged swirls around the interior like bite marks. 

Alucard's brow raised, "What is this?"

"It's called a soul bond, it requires the blood of both subjects." Kyrios said, then turned to William, "Now, let me see your hand, William."

William draws his hand, and Kyrios softly grabs it, placing William's hand in his palm like freshly picked fruit. Kyrios keeps William's hand upright, pulls out a small knife while doing so, and slices the inside of his palm. Blood spills from his palm, gently sliding down the side and lightly filling the wooden bowl.

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