A Dragon Master

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Long, long ago, a time when dragons roamed free and lived alongside humans.

Dragons who grew close to or respected an individual would grant or share their power with that person. They would be called "Dragon Masters".

Then Kings heard of these Dragon Masters and wanted them for their armies. Eventually, all Dragon Masters were like great products of war. Gaining notoriety and bounties on their heads by their enemies.

Sooner or later these Dragon Masters faded away from humanity, being killed off one by one. Dragons would isolate themselves from humanity and any Dragon that was found would be killed for profit by hunters. 

Dragon Masters will only bring chaos and calamity to this world.

Pierre didn't want to believe his eyes, what was he looking at? This isn't possible, right? "This is a joke right?" Pierre asked

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Pierre didn't want to believe his eyes, what was he looking at? This isn't possible, right? "This is a joke right?" Pierre asked.

"No, it's a dragon." William bluntly replied. He somewhat knew the implications he proposed but was not fully aware of just how much of a target this would leave on them if this information was publicized. "Well, it's a long story, but he's my friend."

This boy is insane... How... How... I... I thought they were extinct... What is this boy doing with a dragon... A DRAGON?!, Pierre thought. He likely would never have begun this journey with the unknown foreigner had he known what was hidden underneath the tarp. "Your friend? Don't tell me...You're a dragon master?!"

William was clueless about almost all titles and labels given to those who found themselves in his predicament. "A what?"

"You have a dragon and don't even know what a dragon master is?"

William giggled, aware of how this looked, one couldn't help but laugh. "Hehe... You'd think I would know something like that, huh?"

"YES!" Pierre shouted, then thought, If he's truly a... A dragon master... We... We won't last on this journey for the grail... If others find out about this... We're facing astronomical problems...

Pierre sighed at the thought of future problems this may cause, that wasn't the only annoyance in this predicament however, it was William's obliviousness to the matter at hand as well. "A Dragon Master is someone gifted with the abilities of their Dragon."

William rubbed the back of his head, he didn't expect he'd learn this much about himself in such little time. "Oh. Then yeah, that's me."

"What?! Why are you so carefree about this?!" Pierre shouted. 

He attempted to instill the danger this is to William, who either remains clueless or simply doesn't care about the danger at all.

"Well, he's my friend." William simply replied. The comradery was a far more valuable thing to him than the danger that relationship brought to him.

"So what! You need to get rid of it now!"

"What?! No!"

Pierre's shouting and panic woke up the slumbering infant, and it immediately began to growl at Pierre, defending its master and acting as a shield between the two, even though it knew it was still within a cage. The dragon swiftly pans to William, paying Pierre no mind once he quickly figured him to be of no threat.

"Don't worry, he's a friend, Dasos." William began talking to the dragon.

Pierre squinted, "He's talking to a Dragon..." then thought, What have I done? I willingly went with a nut job on a quest for the grail, a man with a death wish who talks to dragons...

William smiled and remained headstrong, "We're going to Harmstead now. I have a dragon and you're just going to have to deal with that."

"Where did you even find that thing? Dragons are supposed to be extinct."

"No, that's not true." The dragon panned over to William again, as if their communication wasn't purely one-sided. "Don't worry, we'll find others like you, Dasos."

"Stop talking to it!" Pierre shouted. He firmly accepted the fact that he will now be traveling with William and his dragon, but it still was a hard pill to swallow.

"What? Why?"

"Because you look crazy! Dragons don't talk, you know that right?!

"What? Well, Dasos here can talk to me."

"What... Seriously?"

"Yeah, you can't hear him though."

"That means that dragons can freely communicate with their masters—I didn't think about that. Fine, but when we go into town, you must have that concealed."

"Well, I know that, why do you think I had a blanket around him. I know how people treat dragons. I know that people want them for their own and want them for money. But I won't let anyone take Dasos, he's my friend and I made him a promise."

So that was where that incredible source of Ren came from, the Dragon. It makes sense now, but what doesn't is how he treats it, you've never heard of Dragon Masters from legend that have treated their dragons with the amount of respect that he does, Pierre thought, then said, "I have no other choice but to continue our quest even though you have a dragon."

"Dasos, go back to sleep, we're almost at the town now." William is talking to Dasos and completely disregarding Pierre's words.

A vein popped from the magician's forehead, "He's ignoring me!" Pierre shouted.

"Now, let's continue our journey!" William said.

Pierre halted William in his tracks, "Wait! I have so many questions, Sir Waynack! Like Where did you find it?"

"Well, he was one of the guardian's eggs from my old village." William replied.

"Your old village?

"Yeah, well, it isn't there anymore, but it was a beautiful place."

"Oh... Well, how do you talk to it?"

"Well, I can hear his voice in my head whenever he talks I just respond."

"Some sort of telepathy with the dragon—interesting—what sort of ability was given to you by the dragon?"

"Well, the one that Dasos gave me?"

"Dasos is the dragon's name, right?"

"Yeah, that's the name of my old village and I decided to give it to him."

A village with the name of Dasos? I've never heard of it... He has the appearance of a local to this region, yet I've never heard of the village of Dasos... Just where the hell did he come from? And how far did he have to travel in order to get to Camelot?, Pierre thought.

"Look! There it is!" William shouted, grabbing Pierre's attention in the process.

Over the horizon lay a small opening in the road, a town with a wooden entrance. Miniscule in comparison to their previous location, but nonetheless, a bright spot for the two travelers. Their first destination in the long-awaited journey.

"Harmstead!" William shouted.

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