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Lucy arrives back to the group he left behind, who were sitting at a blue table, with news for them. While he had plans for entering a tournament, the group had plans to get rid of Lucy.

"Hey guys! I'm back with good news and bad news—" Lucy pauses, but no one asks for the reason why, and he decides to continue rather than sit in silence, "The bad news, obviously you guys want it first, right?—" Lucy asks, but yet again, he was met with another pause, "Haha... So the bad news is that we have to wait to register."

Alucard decided to say something, not because he wanted to, but the bad news was nothing close to that title for the group of travelers, "Wait? Why?"

"Apparently there is a tournament going on right now and almost everyone is over there, so the registration is closed for today—And if we win, we get the money from the pool! Let's go!!" Lucy shouted. 

He walks away, waving the rest of the group to follow. They still had an obligation to him despite the recent luck on their side, so following was best. Once they rid him of his special gum, then they can leave comfortably. With the luck magic, he could keep tormenting them until he finally has what he wanted. The simple answer was Lucy's demise, but even that would be impossible when he has his piece of gum. 

This plan isn't the best, but it seems like it is all that we have to defeat him..., Stefan thought.

Alucard didn't see the issue with departing from him, the second-best option, but no one even considered it.  His recent experience may have altered his risk radar, no longer having the urge to knuckle up at the start of every confrontation. You can say that he finally grew his wings.

I don't know why we can't just run? Too much pride is between them, if it was just me and Will, I'd just knock him out and run. But that isn't the case, it's all of them that want to take down Lucy too

Pierre was on the same page as William and Stefan, fully committed to seeing the fall of the man with crooked dice. He also was deep in thought on the full capabilities of luck magic, specifically what Lucy himself was capable of.

This all depends on the amount he can control the probability of the effect occurring.I don't think it could be as simple as flipping probabilities. A spell like that would be too difficult to pull off, it's probably a more simple spell. 

Pierre is now no longer with the group, the real one at least. He left behind a duplicate using dark magic just before Lucy's arrival. If his plan were to work, he needed more time, and freedom, which was achieved by leaving behind a dark copy. He wandered through the empty streets of Winchester, on his way to inform Maka of their progress. The streets weren't as vacant as he thought, a light love tap bounced off his shoulder.

"Who the heck???" Pierre questions.

The gentle touch gets the magician's attention, a glance back locates the source of the broken boundary, it was Kay Calvados. Pierre recognized her, they were both members of prestigious households of Camelot, everyone knew each other within the inner circles of Camelot's elite.

"Pierre, it's me! What are you doing in Winchester?" Kay asked.

Kay's rosy cheeks matched the cherry blossoms that sat atop her head, she was surprised and slightly joyful to see a familiar face in solitude. 

Pierre was just as surprised to see her, two bullets that clashed out of coincidence. One in a million chances for it to occur, and yet, they stood feet from one another. 

"Kay? What are you doing here??" Pierre asked.

"I just asked you that..." Kay replied.

How could he respond to her question with her question? Awkwardness began to occur within their conversation, it seemed to be a common theme whenever they spoke.

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