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The three illustrious Knights stood behind the group of fresh travelers, who were separated by a giant ice wall from their objective. The pink-haired knight was none other than Sir Percival, one of the Knights of the Round. He stood along with Sir Gawain, another Knight of the Round & General of the Camelot Military, and King Arthur, King of Camelot & Leader of Knights of the Round.

"We got your call, Pierre." Arthur said.

"Good, I thought you guys were never gonna show." Pierre said.

"That's—That's King Arthur..." Alucard said in shock at the legendary king in the flesh.

"King Arthur—What is King Arthur doing here?!" Trikog and Dukog said in surprise.

"Don't worry, Pierre told me how this kingdom was treating its people and I couldn't stand by and let this continue." Arthur said. 

This plan was not said amongst the group, but instead, merely just Pierre's plan. The words of William made him think of the plan of giving the Orcs their freedom within the land they called home. Taking on the king, was outlandish, to say the least, but it was far from impossible. On the morning of their departure to Holmfirth, Pierre used the magic item given to him by his father to inform them of the crimes being done within Holmfirth, the neighboring territory to the Pendragon Empire. 

This news rightly gave enough motivation for invasion, but also an excuse to claim a very tempting territory that wasn't aligned with another true Kingdom of the world. Pierre didn't care much for the politics though, the words of his comrade along with witnessing the crimes were more than enough motivation to do this plan.

"King Arthur!" William shouted in joy. "It's so awesome to meet you again, King! I mean, just awesome!" William said as he hastily shook Arthur's hand.

"You're the boy who was interested in the grail. What are you doing here?" Arthur asked as William continued to profusely shake Arthur's hand.

"Well, Merlin sent Pierre and me on a quest for the grail." William replied.

"What?! That damn sneaky old man..." Arthur said as an image of a conniving Merling appeared in his head. "So you're the dragon master?" Arthur asked as William was still shaking his hand.

"Yeah... That's me, sir." William said.

"What? An actual dragon master?" Gawain said.

"This boy is a dragon master??" Percival asked.

"Yeah... That is me..." William said, although he couldn't quite contain the evident joy from the recognition from his childhood heroes.

"He's like a little kid..." The knights said in surprise at William being the dragon master. 

Arthur then looked upon the daunting ice wall that separated the round from the Holmfirth army, he was impressed at the display and how this mere child was able to pull off such a feat. I see... So this is the power of a Dragon Master..., Arthur thought, then said, "Gawain."

Gawain stepped forward, the only thing he heard was his name, but with enough experience in the round, he knew exactly what to do without being told. "On it. Step aside, kids." Gawain said.

The group of young misfits gladly aside and created a pathway for Gawain. None with the knowledge of what he can do, so they began to question what that was exactly. With Gawain being without a weapon, the possibilities were difficult to figure out.

"Umm... Yes, sir..." Trikog said.

"What is he about to do?" Dukog said.

"I don't know, what can he possibly do with no weapon..." Pierre said.

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