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Pierre didn't know what to think of the warnings written by his father about Mount Enopo. Should they avoid the location altogether? What should they do about this?

"It says beware..." Pierre softly said.

Beware, the warning couldn't be any more straightforward than that, yet, that didn't phase anyone in the party. All absent of common sense, the only one capable of withholding such a treasure was the elder of the three. 

"Oh..." Alucard said.

"Sounds..." William mumbled.

Both of them were joyous by the recent development, poorly containing their excitement from the strong warning. "Sounds fun!" William and Alucard shouted.

"HOW IS DANGER FUN TO YOU TWO?!?!" Pierre shouted at them.

Alucard and William dismissed Pierre's shouting, instead, fantasizing about their next adventure was the priority. 

"Wow, now we know this is gonna be a fun adventure!" Alucard said to William.

"Yeah, can't wait to see what has Pierre so scared!" William said.

"I am not scared!" Pierre shouted.

"He was too..." Alucard said.

"Yeah, 30 years old and scared of a mountain..." William said.

"Fine. Whatever, let's just go." Pierre pushed forward, walking ahead of the others, "Scared? I am not scared..." Pierre said as he gained the lead in their travel.

"Hey Dasos, do you sense anything out of the ordinary about the mountain?" William asked Dasos. 

Dasos replied to William, telling him that there was nothing out of the ordinary about the mountain, but the weather will be dangerous for humans to travel through.

"Cold? That shouldn't be an issue for me..." William said.

"Same, vampires aren't affected by cold weather." Alucard said.

"Cold, how cold are we talking?" Pierre asked.

"Dasos says that it will be dangerous." William replied.

"Does that scare you?" Alucard teasingly asked.

"Stupid weather doesn't scare me! That is the least of my concerns!" Pierre proudly replied.

A few moments later, the three travelers found themselves walking through a snow-covered area that appeared similar to the path they were already on with the sole exception of the frozen touch to it. 

William and Alucard were fine in the cold weather as they continued to casually walk and enjoy the sight of the white downfall. "Wow! The snow here is awesome!" William said.

"Snow? So this is what snow looks like?" Alucard asked.

"You've never seen it before?" William asked.

"No, but it's..." Alucard blinked, "It's white."

"Would you two slow down!" Pierre shouted at the two who were ahead of him now. Pierre was not enjoying this environment in the slightest, he was shivering and was far from prepared to travel through this weather. He was fully covered in snow, so much so that the goth appearance from before became angelic. "No one said it'd be this cold..." Pierre said.

"I thought cold weather doesn't scare you..." Alucard said.

"He looks like a different person..." William added. 

Dasos added that Pierre will probably die from the weather soon, but all Pierre saw was the three staring at him with nothing but pity on their faces.

"Look, over there!" William said as he noticed something in the distance. 

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