Orcs Only

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Meanwhile, back outside the Duke's chambers, Pierre approached the Orc as the only sign of chaos lay beside him. The Orc stood victorious over the defeated Knights who heckled him only moments prior. "What's happening here? Did a kid this tall—" Pierre gave a rough estimate of his comrade's height with his hands, "—with a dragon do this?"

"You know him?" The Orc asked.

"Sadly, yes, have you seen him?"

"Yeah, he went inside." The Orc gestured to the duke's chambers just behind him.

A small hand motion was enough to leave the unknown magician livid, "What?! What is he doing inside the Duke's chambers?" As soon as his question was asked, William stepped from the front door of the chamber. "There you are! What the hell are you doing, I thought we agreed to avoid any problems! This is more than just a Problem!!! You've managed to anger the King who owns this place!!"

"In his defense, he did help me." The Orc said. A sign of respect for William, the orc didn't expect he would give it away this easily, especially to a human. 

William showed no remorse for his actions, twisting up in his contempt for injustice, "Yeah, those knights weren't doing their job of protecting, they were beating on this guy." William said.

Pierre, shocked by the update, turned to the Orc, and asked, "What? What is your name?"

The orc withdrew his ancient weapon, and smiled, fully welcoming the unfamiliar faces, "I'm Trikog. You are?"

"I'm William Waynack and we're lookin' for the Holy Grail!" William joyfully replied.

Pierre swiftly motioned his sight back to his friend, invigorated with disappointment, which soon welcomed correction. "That information was supposed to be classified! You can't go blurting it out to everyone we meet!"

Trikog smiled at the bickering between friends, another unexpected sight he welcomed with open arms, "I take it you guys aren't from here."

"Yeah, we're from Camelot, but how did you know we're not from here?" Pierre asked.

"Because William helped me from those Knights, no one helps Orcs in this town."

"What's everyone's problem with Orcs?" William asked.

"The King hates Orcs..." Trikog answered.

"He hates Orcs?" William and Pierre asked with nothing short of astonishment on their faces.

William and Pierre followed Trikog to the outskirts of Harmstead as all three of them headed to a location where the Orcs lived. Dasos was outside of his usual cage and instead sat atop William's head. After all, he didn't want to risk it since William was in danger moments ago. "So, where are we headed anyway, Trikog?" William asked after finally noticing they were no longer in Harmstead.

Trikog trekked ahead of the two travelers, leading them to the outskirts of Harmstead, "To my home." Trikog said.

Pierre panned around, noticing the change in scenery, from a once small and quiet town, to a rather unfamiliar and chilling forest. "Your home? You live this far away from Harmstead?" Pierre asked, then thought, Why did he live so far from the town? This is blatant segregation made by the King of this territory.

"Yes... I told you—The king hates Orcs—When Herman became the king, his first action was to separate Orcs from the Capital and Harmstead, which is a territory of Holmfirth. House Hermosa transferred all the Orcs that from Holmfirth and Harmstead and put them here, to the swamp just outside of Harmstead." Trikog said.

Pierre was taken back by the recent history of the Kingdom of Holmfirth, he couldn't believe that such crimes were happening, this was a speechless inhumanity. "Transferred?" Pierre questioned.

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