Stuck In A Nightmare

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Alucard swooped through the inside of the mountain faster than a cheetah hunting its prey, all while William remained unconscious on his back.

I... I have to get out of here...

He doesn't usually get this feeling from anyone, let alone another human. The feeling of terror standing over you while your legs decide to remain stuck in the mud. Looking the gator in its eyes while waist-deep in the swamp.

Pierre and Maka carried her parents over their shoulders and just made their way out of the mountain, but continued down the path and waited for the remaining members of their party. They began to pick up the pace after hearing the tremors that were strong enough to shake a mountain. Maka's sense of surroundings was much better than Pierre's, who didn't mind anything that wasn't currently bothersome. Maka was a trained hunter though, so her instincts were much keener than that of a teacher.

Maka's eyes lit up as the sense of impending danger triggered the hairs on her neck yet again.

"Something's coming right this way..." Maka said.

"What? How do you know that?" Pierre asked.

Pierre questioned her capabilities, even though there was more than enough proof to trust her instincts. White and red whizzed through the air and whiffed past the two caretakers, their clothes flurrying against the wind.

"Was that..." Pierre said. 

He had an idea what it was but wasn't sure since all he saw were two colors.

"Let's go." Maka said.

Alucard's speed was far too fast to simply stop without a consequence, which finding out the hard way was a reoccurring theme the past few minutes. He rolled through the white sea with William's sleeping body. Alucard gasped as he raised himself from the snow, while William remained cold and motionless in it as if the shift in weather didn't faze him, let alone everything else that happened.

What... What is he... He looked almost as terrifying as father... And he wasn't a vampire... His blood was warm, his eyes were cold... I've never seen a human that strong... Never...

Alucard remained in the nightmare with no return.

Pierre stepped from the cave with Maka and recognized Alucard in the snow.

"Alucard?" Pierre said.

Pierre was curious about what happened while Maka remained to look for more details before her eyes stopped on William's unconscious body.

"Will—Is he ok?" Maka asked.

"I'll check." Pierre said.

Pierre motioned his left hand, which was enough to remove Maka's father from his back and gently onto the snow around them.

"Why didn't you just do that to lift him?" Maka asked.

"Well, My Ren was almost depleted, better to save it. Something like that short action won't be much wear though."

"So—Magic works differently?"


"Nevermind. Just go check on Will..." Maka replied.

She didn't care for the confusion she caused and was more worried about William. Pierre dragged through the ankle-deep snow before kneeling closer to William laying in the white paradise. Fingertips softly press onto William's neck, a simple check to find a pulse.

"Alive, but unconscious—" Pierre lifts his head, looking in Alucard's direction, "Alucard! What happened back there?!" Pierre asked.

Alucard was unresponsive, still shaken from the traumatic experience he survived with nothing more than a sight of the grim reaper himself.

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