William's Wrath

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Everyone watcched in awe as Lucy's body dropped to the stage floor, some covered in the expired blood of the former magician. The silence was striking, cutting through the town square and strong enough to hear a pin drop. 

William, in particular, stood with an expression he only displayed once before. His pupils shrunk, dancing between the white. He wasn't used to death, and seeing it this close made his stomach churn, how can one be capable of doing this without a shred of remorse. He sympathized for the former magician who brought them more problems than he could count.

"He... He killed him..." William softly said.

Alucard stood beside his friend, his reaction differed in comparison. He was raised by blood suckers, so this, as grotesque as it was, was not enough to move the immovable. He did, however, notice William's reaction, a broken mirror leaving behind unrecognizable shards of glass. Alucard immediately moved to damage control, not knowing how William would react, calming him down seemed like the reasonable decision.

"Don't do anything stupid now..." Alucard softly said.

He was just as shocked as everyone else that the champion killed Lucy with one swing, but action irrational in this moment could cost them their lives as well. 

"I... I can't believe he killed him..." William murmured.

His eyes locked onto the champion like a rotweiler's bite, his soul began to bubble with anger at the lack of remorse he had, standing over his victim with a slight smirk of satisfaction. Alucard recognized that look in William, he saw it before when they were in the cave in Mount Enopo. That same look that almost got them both killed.

"Will... I know that this might be..." Alucard said.

William ignored his friend, and shouted, "You killed him!"

The man with the eyepatch glanced at William, who stood at the edge of the ring in the audience. His eye, cold as ice, glaring at the child who submitted himself into a problem that was not his. 

"Yes." The champion replied.

The host sighed at the turn of events, having yet another halt in the tournament which stopped her from doing her job, "Not another disruption..."

Her words flew over William's head, his anger only heightened in the short span of time, and he took a step, without much thought, onto the stage. His body moved habitually, as if he could no longer control his emotional reaction.

William scouled at the champion, and shouted, "How could you do that?!" 

Alucard reached for his friend who was now in front of him, he began to panic under his pores as he had no answer for William's rage. Harming his friend may be the only way, but that was not something he would be so willing to do. Reasoning with him was the best option left, not that he had much hope for it, to begin with.

"Will, it's not worth it." Alucard said.

Alucard's eyes danced around, looking for anything that could stop this from escalating further. He locates Kay, who rushes through the front lines of the audience toward him with a face of caution.

"Are you not going to get your friend?!" Kay shouted during her pursuit.

"What?" Alucard couldn't process what was happening and simply spit out the first words on his tongue, "Why would I do that?" 

Selfishness, or survival, weighed on Alucard, who devolved into a state of self preservation. He didn't know what to do, he had no answer for William's short temper.

Kay sighed at Alucard's abrupt response, and murmured, "Dammit... Do I really have to do everything..." 

William steps fully onto the stage, in effect, challenging the champion who remained on the tiled floor. 

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