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Everyone watched in awe, one finger was enough to stop a brutish swing from landing. Just how strong was this child who stood in front of the beast, halting his fist.

"He... He stopped it..." Pierre softly said.

"With one finger..." Trikog said in shock.

"Who is that?" Dukog asked.

"What is that child... How was he able to stop that attack..." The King said as he sat in amazement in his exclusive area within the colosseum. 

The Announcer on the other hand was speechless as his jaw nearly touched the floor beneath him. "Wow!!! Do we finally have a formidable challenger?!" The announcer shouted.

Alucard, still halting the large fist from pressing forth, worried about William's well-being. "Can you move?" Alucard asked William, who was still on the ground.

William sat against the rubble created by plummeting into the wall behind him, still feeling every bit of pain that shook through his bones. The average man would have tapped out after taking such a blow, but that was not the case. 

"Yeah—thanks for that, Alucard..." William said.

Red eyes remained on their opponent, words reached his comrade, "Ok, then, why not finish this?" Alucard said.

William hopped up from the ground, removing himself from the defeated position and regaining the energy to continue, "Ok, let's do this." He began to stretch again, similar to how the bout began, preparing his body for another altercation. "Man, he really got me good, huh?"

Alucard made the first move, nudging the green hand away with a backhand. "Alright then."

The small push left an opening on the hairless green chest, which was rightfully capitalized by Alucard and William. Both planting a fist into the giant's abdomen, this time, with more than enough strength to send him off his feet. The beast bulleted into the concrete wall on the opposite side, widening the eyes of all who watched.

"That was fun." Alucard said.

"Sure was, we're good together, huh?" William said.

"Yeah. I don't know how though..." Alucard said. 

William, without much thought, punches Alucard upside his head, attempting to knock some sense into him in the process. "Silly, it's because we're friends."

"Friends?..." Alucard softly said, it was apparent he wasn't very familiar with the title. 

The beast remained glued to the colosseum wall across from William and Alucard as the damage began to settle into his body. The gladiator mask that the beast wore began to crack before it eventually shattered in front of the entire audience. The face of the two Orcs father was revealed to the crowd.

"This... This is impossible..." The king softly said. 

He couldn't understand how his best warrior in the history of the pits was somehow being evenly matched by two children. Were the gods against his success for some odd reason? Or was the beast finally declining after the wear from performing in front of the crowd who thirsts for blood?

William glanced to the audience, specifically in the direction where his friends were, and waved. "Hey, Trikog, is that your old man?!" William shouted.

Trikog, dumbfounded by the idiocy of his comrade, attempted to remain incognito from onlookers. "What... is he crazy... he can't just talk to me..."

"That idiot—Yeah, that's him, Will!!" Dukog shouted, which revealed his presence to everyone within the colosseum, a place that restricts the acceptance of Orcs with the only sole exception being that they were used for entertainment purposes.

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