Gambling Man

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The green-haired cloaked man sat comfortably within his coach. A bright smile plastered on his face as he sat in front of the group of travelers. There was also another hooded individual at the end of this bench that he sat on inside the carriage.

The group of travelers was on the opposite side of the carriage, all bunched up together on the bench placed on the right side of the coach. Maka's parents sat covered in blankets at the back end of the coach, the seating inside was shaped like an upside-down U.

Red velvet cushion, an expensive material in the eyes of the travelers who could barely afford a broken stool. Pierre was pressed between Maka and the end of the booth, squirming for more space.

"Will you move over..." Pierre scoffed to Maka.

"I have no room!" Maka shouted at Pierre.

She was in the same claustrophobic situation that everyone else was in, or so they thought.

"I'm fine..." Alucard said.

He sat comfortably with leg space and even elbow room while Maka and Pierre struggled to remain in their seats. 

Pierre's eyes bulged, and he shouts from across the bench"Look at all that room you have! Why do you need that much room!"

"Scoot over!!" Maka added.

There was a large enough gap in between William and Alucard that would give everyone a fair amount of leg space on the right side of the bench. The space was soon taken, as Dasos plopped himself between Alucard and William. Dasos then peeked up at Maka and Alucard with his innocent eyes even though behind them it was quite the contradiction.

"WHY DOES DASOS EVEN NEED A SEAT!!" Maka and Pierre shouted at the dragon.

The cloaked host began to laugh at the situation, letting out a child-like giggle as if the amusement before him was satisfactory. A few claps were added by the man, not quite deserving of a standing ovation just yet.

The man leans back against his bench, arms spread over the crest rail, and a gentle smile plants onto his face. "You guys are funny." The man said. He was comfortable in his posture, the only thing missing was sand and the bright blue backdrop.

William smiled back and recognized that this man across from them still had no name. "My name is William Waynack, and we're going to find the holy grail!" William shouted.

William's ambitions are something he felt needed to be known to whoever he met, which included complete strangers. Pierre and Alucard completely disagreed with this philosophy, so much so that a habitual whack upside William's head proceeded his words.

"You can't tell everyone that!!" Pierre and Alucard shouted at William.

"Why not?!" William asked.

"Ooo the Holy Grail, huh—" the man interrupts, then says, "That sounds fun—Well, my name is Lucy."

The party of four, five if you include Dasos, didn't know how to react to the man's statement. A blank and empty expression was shared on the right side of the chariot. The party's faces soon grew read from the emptiness, even though they all had the same thoughts within. 

Blank and empty, a pause before the storm. The group of travelers broke their silence swiftly with a stream of laughter.

"LUCY!!!" William jokingly shouted.

Alucard, adding to insult, points at the coach owner, "He has a girl's name!!" Alucard teased.

Tears of uncontrollable laughter poured, and frustration was the reasonable response to the constant teasing.

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