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William stood just in front of a large self-created crater in the wall. All eyes remained on him, with Kang to his left and Pierre with Alucard to his right.

William scratched the side of his head, and asked, "This is the King's room, right?" then notices the pause in the room, seeing Pierre and Alucard inside of a bubble while Kang sat across from them, "Ehh... What's going on here?"

Kang swiftly introduces himself in a more violent manner by projecting one of the many drills forming from the metal wall towards William. William hops to the side of the drill's destination and keeps his focus on Kang. "So I take it you're the King?" William asked.

"And you—You're the prophecy." Kang said.

William squinted, lost by the king's words, "Prophecy?"

It appears he isn't aware of his fate..., Kang thought, then said, "Boy! I must ask you a question if you are willing to hear it!"

"Um..." William thought about it for a second, then replied, "Ok, sure."

Alucard, enraged by William's willingness, shouted from the bubble, "What?! Don't hear him out, Will!"

What's going on here? Just a second ago, we were all trying to kill each other—But now, his interest in Will is so strong that he stopped fighting with us completely. Almost as if he dismissed us from his mind, Pierre thought.

"I'm sure you already know that you are a strong individual, child." Kang said.

"Oh..." William blushes from the flowers, and says, "Thanks. Wow, you're not all that bad!" 

"You idiot! Don't let him compliment you!" Alucard shouted.

"So—" Kang paused, and took a deep breath, then resumed, "Why don't you join me and my army of snowmen! Together, we can conquer lands and become kings!"

He views Will that highly?!

Pierre didn't expect the King to treat William this way, especially after nearly killing them upon introduction. He expected a more physical approach in order for the king to get what he wants, not a proposition.

"What?!" Alucard said in shock.

"Wow, that really means a lot to me that you think I'm that strong, mister. But, I'll have to say no to your request." William replied.

"What?! Are you aware of your potential! Are you aware of the opportunity that we can have together! As conquerors of this world!" Kang shouted.

Kang couldn't understand why William turned him down, the proposal was far too convincing, a promise to become a ruler of this world, who would turn down such a request?

William grew annoyed by the King, and the anger he held from his conflict with Suno soon bubbled over into the throne room.

"I don't want any of that! I want to be someone people look up to! I want to become a King! A King of the People! And I can't—I won't do it with someone like you! Someone who hurts people! Someone who holds people hostage to get what they want! I will never work with someone like you!" William shouted.

"You fool! If you won't accept my offer, I'll just have to force you to work for me!" Kang said.

"Will! Be careful. He's a lot stronger than he looks!" Alucard yelled from behind the bubble.

"I didn't want to have to do this!" Kang said. 

Kang brought his hands together, then shouted, "Full Body!" 

Metal began to cover his arms, and his legs, before finally covering his entire body, revealing a metal-coated body suit covering the fur of the king. It looked like a sleek and shiny suit of armor that perfectly covered him, it swarmed around him like a strawberry dipped in chocolate.

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