Stefan's Match

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The second match consisted of Stefan, the high elf who happened to be caught by Lucy's game, and a hooded man, fully clothed and covering all inclinations of his race. Bandages and a dark cloak were enough to conceal a key indicator of the man's identity. 

It might be best if I hold back in the first round—I don't want to reveal myself to the opposition as well as that coward Lucy..., Stefan thought.

Stefan stood on the opposite end of the ring, analyzing his opponent who stood in the open yet remained hidden. 

"You can show your face now, or are you too afraid to do so?" Stefan asked.

A mental strike was just as effective as a physical one. Words were just another factor of combat, the best fighters in the world either backed their actions with silence or danced around their opponents as a dog does with its chew toy. 

"You can fight now..." The host murmured.

It was obvious by now that she'd rather be anywhere else than standing at the edge of the ring. Not only did she not care for the event with the predictable outcome, but standing there was a danger in itself, one of the many risks that came with working for the guild office.

The hooded man pulls a bow from underneath the large cloak concealing him, his hands, yanked one arrow back from the bowstring, covered in bandages. He aimed for a fatal strike, hoping to end this fight with an arrow plunging through his enemy's skull. 

"There is no need for that." The hood replied.

Another archer?, Stefan thought.

This proved to be troublesome for Alucard, with Kay using magic along with her poignant skills in archery and combat. Stefan hoped that he wouldn't find the same fate against an archer, but learning their capabilities remained the priority for the high elf.

"I think this is far enough for you, Stefan..." The hood said.

Stefan took a step back, stuck in awe at the fact his faceless opponent knew his name, and thought, What?! How does he know my name?

The arrow waiting to be released suddenly ignites, and a flame danced at the point of the arrow. Without hesitation, the cloaked man releases the bowstring, firing the arrow at Stefan. 

No conjuring circle? He must be adept in fire magic then..., Stefan thought.

Stefan, awaiting the arrival of the combusted arrow, acted in anticipation by slamming his palms against the tiled stage. A conjuring circle appears, a green circle with three half circles surrounding a triangle, and at the center lay a spiral. 

A gust of wind bursts upward from the conjuring circle, flurrying the arrow until it snapped, becoming useless as it slowly dwindled to the ground.

I could've done it without using the basic conjuring circle, but holding back is best for now..., Stefan thought, then said, "How do you know my name, stranger?"

A question many thought, had the two known each other before today, and why did the cloaked man remain anonymous while his opponent did not? 

The hooded man pulls three more arrows from his long cloak, and pulls them back, aiming them at Stefan. Flames submit on the sharp ends of each arrow, the same technique used prior, slightly spreaded between fires.

"Let's see you dodge this..." The hooded man said.

The arrows bounce from the bowstring, gliding through the air and narrowing toward Stefan. Stefan acted swiftly, placing his palms separate from one another on the stage floor, and creating two more conjuring circles in addition to the one he spawned beforehand.

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