Enter: William Waynack!

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Pierre rushed to exit the bar with the foreigner, who had no idea that he was a mere tool for Pierre to avoid paying his debts.

Pierre led the foreigner through town and on their way to the largest tourist destination in Camelot. Crowds usually found themselves outside the castle walls, and many shops spread about within the city walls, all hoping to be a wheel in the flow of commerce. 

"By the way, My name is William Waynack, nice to meet you, mister." The foreigner said.

William gripped onto the shoulder straps of the bell on his back, it made Pierre wonder just what lay underneath the mysterious tarp. Not enough to change his current goal, which was to bring William to the king just as he promised.

"Waynack? Never heard of it before... Oh—and I'm Pierre Emrys." Pierre said.

His tone was that of privilege, having pride for his name. What else are you other than your name? Pierre, by definition, was his father's son, and a member of House Emrys. A House that produces only the finest magicians the world has to offer.


The origin of the widely popular name was elusive to William, either he didn't know it or didn't care enough to remember. This slight obliviousness took Pierre by surprise, he often dealt with the opposite whenever he mentioned his last name. Members of House Emrys are of nobility in Camelot.

Maybe he had forgotten, it wouldn't hurt to remind the foreigner of the magician's background. "Oh... It's fine, people usually act excited when they meet me."

"Hmm... never heard of it." William said.

Astonished was a large understatement in describing Pierre's reaction to William's ignorance. Pierre couldn't believe what came from the boy's mouth and heavily questioned his intelligence. Pierre consciously laughed at the thought of William's schooling, if there were any, to begin with. "Well—the king's castle is just this way, surely you know who the king is, right?" Pierre asked, testing just how uneducated William was.

"Yeah, that's King Arthur, right?" William replied.

Pierre couldn't believe that he knew King Arthur but not the surname that he carries. "Correct." Pierre said.

"I've only heard the stories about his adventures though..." William said.

"They're fascinating, right?"

"Yeah! I really want to see his legendary sword, Excalibur!"

"Ah, the sacred weapon, it truly is magnificent."


Time flew by quite significantly from the small pleasantries between Pierre and William, especially with the idolization of a historic figure and a legend of this city. "Oh, it seems we've made it to the castle."

The beautiful structured castle of Camelot is quite the sight, every traveler who visits looks to see it as if it were the last thing in this world. The stone was as white as a pearl necklace only the highest nobles of Kosmos can glare at, the knights who guarded it were the highest class of knights, and quite chivalrous as well. This place was simply the center of the universe. 

Pierre, along with William, approached the knights guarding the front entrance to the castle, with the confidence of approval. Steel armor with the Pendragon sigil stamped on their shoulder blades, coated in red and gold. A golden dragon printed on a red shield was the sigil of House Pendragon.  

"We're here to see the King." Pierre confidently stated, as if he were above the knights.

"Get the hell out of here kid." A Knight replied.

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