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The Chief entered the dragon's chambers and met the three children with their sensei, four people that shouldn't be in here nor was the greeting expected by the Chief. "What is the meaning of this, Hisei?" The Chief asked. 

Hisei is the Sensei's name, but the boys refused to use it due to respect for their elders. The Chief can use anyone's first name within the village, after all, he is the teacher's teacher.

Hisei, timider than his students were, shrunk and mumbled, "Master, I... I just wanted to show the kids..."

"And?—" The chief paused, allowing Hisei to further brew for his mistake, then resumed, "What do you kids think?" The chief asked the children.

Heh?!?!, Hisei thought.

The chief's words were not expected by any means. He wasn't mad at all, he looked happy that Hisei brought them here. The boys were excited to see the Chief, he always shows the children kindness in the village. The teachers, on the other hand, weren't as grateful to be ignorant of the Chief's wrath.

"Chief, it's amazing..." Ray said.

"Yeah, chief, it's huge..." Niji said.

The chief smiled at the children, then panned to the dragon, and asked, "How about you, what do you think of the kids?"

"These are the future of the village that you spoke about?" The dragon asked the chief.


The dragon squinted, then bluntly replied, "They're annoying."

The chief smiled at the dragon's demeanor, then said, "Hehe.... Don't be so harsh."

"I'm not annoying!" William shouted at the dragon. 

William's words were met with surprise by the chief. What?! He heard Zamrazac?, The chief thought, then said, "Willem, right?"

Then, without so much as a blink, the Chief stood just behind William on the platform.

"Yeah..." William replied.

"What do you think of Zamrazac?" The chief asked.

The dragon, inflamed in annoyance, shouts at his partner, "Don't tell that imbecile my name!"

"He's kind of a jerk..." William replied.

"A jerk?" the chief replied. 

He never heard anyone describe Zamrazac with such a word, and the very thought of it made the chief burst out into laughter. A jerk may be more fitting than the average description of amazing and huge.

Zamrazac grew pouty and angry by the chief's laughter, "Hey! That isn't funny!!" Zamrazac said.

"Hohoho! Yes, it is!" The chief replied.

"How is calling me that word funny?!"

The chief smiled and dragged his laughter, "It's nothing Zamrazac—" The laughing halted, and he smiled, "It's just—I didn't know others could hear your voice too. Doesn't this make you feel better that now you're able to talk to more than just me?"

The dragon drew a blank expression, "I didn't think about it like that."

Why can this child talk to Zamrazac? In order to speak with a dragon, that dragon would have to gift one with their Ren, so why is Willem speaking to him now? Is it possible to speak to a dragon without sharing their Ren?, The chief thought.

The chief then stepped to the side, a step behind from his former position, "Willem, may I speak with you?"

"Heh? What for?" William replied.

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