Complex Conjuring Circle

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While the four campers remained cozy as they sipped on warm stew, the eyes of an uninvited party remained glued to them from afar within the dark cold of the night.

Two snow creatures, similar in appearance to the bite-sized furballs that encountered William and Alucard before, watched the three individuals around the fire. These creatures were somewhat different though, they appeared bigger and their arms weren't hidden within their coat, revealing a more toned physical appearance through the heavy fur. One of them was much more masculine than the other.

The creatures masked themselves in the darkness, this was their turf, and they were capable of traveling with little reliance on sight. After all, the campsite illuminated the night, enough to grab the attention of all creatures that hid behind the shade.

"Is the target there?" The masculine creature asked.

"The target is there, sir." The thin one replied while he continued to watch the group with a telescope.

"What about the girl?"

"She is present as well, sir."

"Anyone else present?"

"Yes, sir. It appears there are two more people and one animal."

"I see." The muscular creature said, then thought, Is she getting help from those to deliver our target... Or is she simply plotting against our leader?, then continues, "Get rid of the others."

"Yes, sir. is that all?"

"No, once they're dead, just escort the girl and our target to King Kang."

"And what will you do, sir?"

"I'll be waiting for your arrival. Don't disappoint me."

"YES! General Suno."

"I expect good things from you, Neve. You show great promise." Suno commended his soldier.

Neve bowed, then said, "Thank you, sir!" He could die happy at that moment.

Suno began to walk away from his soldier, then said, "Just don't fail me."

This will be a test. Not only for Neve but for our target as well... Let's see if he truly is the prophecy that King Kang speaks of, Suno thought.

William continued to aggressively drink Maka's homemade stew as he sat across from her and Pierre. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" William shouted after completing the same mistake he made just moments prior.

"Just be patient! The food isn't going anywhere!" Maka shouted at William.

William stuck out his burned tongue, hanging down his chin like a dead plant, and murmured, "But I'm hungry..."

Then suddenly, the uninvited guest finally made their extravagant entrance, revealing themselves as they landed near the campsite. Neve's arrival shocked the three members who enjoyed their meals before laying eyes on the snowman. Snow plumed up, like a volcanic eruption, dampening the campsite with sleet.

Neve stood tall and looked at Maka, who recognizes him, then said, "I'm here to escort you to King Kang, girl. Along with the target."

Pierre prepared for this moment, he knew that Alucard and himself were disposable to Maka's plans, and they served no purpose beyond escort. Since an escort arrived, he began to question what intentions the snowman had for them.

"And what will you do with us?" Pierre asked.

Neve remained standing just outside the light, his hair peeking into the radiant circumference created from the campfire. 

Waynackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें