Red Eyes

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Alucard, on the other hand, was greeted with a different picture in comparison to his comrades. Once Kyrios put his students in a trance, burying them in their rightful dimensions of the Zodiac, Alucard awoke, far from Eden. 

Water dripping like hail hitting the bottom of a well, the vision itself was dark. The light was absent in the darkness, but that didn't halt the vampire from seeing the environment. A dark-colored stone covered the interior, along with the slight echoes of clicking.

Alucard began to hear the sound of screeching hurling in his direction, slowly climbing through the cave as if it were an avalanche, "Hello?"

Bats, a hoard of them, swoop past Alucard, brushing past him without directly recognizing his presence. Screeching and clicking amongst the abyss, the darkness consumed Alucard, but then, something bright revealed itself. 

"Who's there?" Alucard said.

"I'm surprised you made it here already..."

Bright red eyes shined in the darkness, soft white fur surrounding the horrifying glare. A large, likely six-foot in stature, bat hung from the cave ceiling. Wings folded just over its frame, only revealing the nightmare that sat just above its snout. 

"Who are you?" Alucard asked.

"Well, I am a part of you, Alucard..."

The bat remained stiff in the presence of a vampire as if his attendance was expected. His voice was clear and raspy, sounding like a whisper that sat behind Alucard. Feeling its voice press against his neck, the wings still muzzled his mouth.

"Vampires summoning works differently in comparison to a normal summoning. This place doesn't belong to me, after all. This place is your sanctuary, Alucard, prince of vampires." 

Alucard swam where the demon's slept, and yet, fear wasn't even strong enough to tickle his toes. Instead, he stood still, just as the red-eyed bat did, and focused more on its words than the appearance. His eyes were stained with far worse than this. 

"I get it now, how does this place differ from a normal summoning?"

Alucard's eyes glared back at the bat that reflected him, his gaze was as gold as a frozen blade, cutting through the distance between them. He was curious about the information that wasn't said, specifically on the semantics of the average summoning that eluded vampires.

"Well, you have more options in a sanctuary, Prince Alucard, and since you are a pure blood vampire, your options are limitless. You were born to continue the reign of your kind, and your potential is suited for such a future." The bat said.

Alucard's stare was lifeless, he gently brushed his hands into his pockets with a sigh, then said, "I don't care about any of that..."

The red eyes raised from Alucard's soft reply, "What?!" the bat hissed, "You can't change destiny, Prince Alucard!" 

His voice raised, penetrating Alucard's ears like ringing from a hammered shield. The rigid tone was still present despite the increase in volume. 

Alucard smirked, silently basking in the chaos, "I guess we'll see about that, right? But for now, this is my sanctuary."

The bat interrupted, "Yes, but—" 

Alucard raised his voice, asserting dominance over the bat's words, "And you, along with everything in it, belong to me, correct?"


"Well, it looks like I get to decide what my destiny will be then—" Alucard turns, his back facing the bat, and he began to walk away, "See you later." he waved two fingers back at the giant bat. 

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