A Shining Friend

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Trikog stood there in silence and gratitude for William's kindness to an unknown Orc, the first in his lifetime a human has shown him this much kindness and consideration.

Why... Why... Why... Why are they being so nice to our people... Why are they willing to put themselves in danger for us?

Trikog soon became overwhelmed with emotion and fell to his knees. It was bright like looking directly at the sun.

"Trikog?" William asked, curious as to what brought Trikog to his knees.

 Trikog began to tear up with outpouring emotion. "Why... Why are you doing this?" It filled beyond the glass and continued to spill onto the grass.

"Whaddya mean?" William asked.

"Why... Why are you helping us? Our problems had nothing to do with you? Don't you have a dream of finding the grail? Why would you be willing to throw away your dream to help Orcs?"

"What? Who said I was throwing it away? I shouldn't have a reason to help. That's what friends do, right?" William said as he held his hand out to help Trikog up from the ground.

Trikog was astonished at the sight of the blessing that extended to help no matter the circumstance. "Friends?" Trikog didn't hesitate to grab onto the hand of the only human who considered him a friend. "Yeah—Friends."

This was a first for young Trikog, he had no clue of the concept, although quite jealous of anyone who bathed in the glory of companionship. He finally became tall enough to step foot on this amusement, he was not going to throw this opportunity away, no matter who offered it.

"Alright, we'll be heading out to rescue your father soon." Pierre said.

Pierre remained focused on the objective, rescue Trikog's father, while William had much larger hopes for the future. Dukog stepped outside, without any awareness of the battle that just occurred, and overheard Pierre's signal for departure.

"What? Already? You just got here." Dukog said.

Pierre knew that time was against them now, the blood mage was just the beginning, it was best if they act on their plan before reinforcements are sent their way. "Since we ran into an enemy outside, our best chance is to go now."

Dukog was too confused to let out a full sentence, "An enemy?"

"How long does the trip take to get to Holmfirth?" Pierre asked Dukog.

Dukog was still digesting the fact that their plan was being set into motion, he couldn't believe that humans were willing to do so much to help Orcs. This is actually happening... They... They're going to rescue you, pop...

Pierre grew impatient, it felt as if his question just evaded the ears of his friend, "Dukog?"

"Take me with you." Dukog demanded.

Pierre took a step back from Dukog's abrupt demand, was he the only one with common sense here? "What? We can't." Pierre said.

"Why not, he's my old man, shouldn't I be helping you guys?!" Dukog asked. His stubbornness was compatible with William's, but he had much more on the line than the hopeful dreamer.

"Well, It isn't safe for you. You said it yourself, they don't allow Orcs in Holmfirth." Pierre said, he didn't think he had to spell it out for Dukog.

"We'll... We'll just wear disguises then! Yeah, Disguises will work!"

"That's too risky. If you get caught, that just puts this whole mission at risk and it wouldn't be good for you either."

"So what! I'm willing to take that risk! Pop would've done the same if it were me, ma, or Trikog! I have to do this!"

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