Birth Symbols

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Kyrios sat on the mossy terrain, across from his two pupils, who wore custom white gi that represented their teacher. Small wooden slabs sat in front of William and Alucard, and empty hollow glass bottles sat just atop the slabs. Kyrios also had a bottle of his own that sat gently in his lap. 

The white uniform was naked, with nothing but the color of emptiness, along with a black-tie wrapped around their waste. Within Kyrios' dojo, his students earn their uniforms, not their stripes. Once passing, they will receive another uniform separate from the one worn during training. 

"Now, our first task in obtaining a zodiac summoning is simple." Kyrios waved his hand, signaling at the two bottles, "Do you see the two bottles in front of you?"

His two pupils glance down at the empty bottles, "Yeah..." William said.

"Empty glass bottles." Alucard added. His curiosity drifted his vision from the bottles to his teacher, who had an extra one sitting between his legs. 

Kyrios smiled, "Exactly, empty glass bottles!" then lifted the one that sat in his lap, and placed it just by his lips, "The first thing you want to do is take a deep breath into the bottle, like this..."

The teacher takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and focusing purely on the sole action of inhaling. He pauses, sitting in silence and holding his breath, Such focus, Alucard thought. 

Kyrios brings the glass closer, pushing it against his mouth, and exhales. Clear it was, shifted into a foggy interior, printing a symbol at the butt of the bottle. The symbol of Hermes pressed against the fog, clear enough for Alucard and William to notice. 

"You two must see my symbol on the end of my bottle. People who are born in the month of Mercury are given the symbol of Hermes, which allows them to summon either a tortoise or a Ram. A tortoise given to those born on an odd day and a Ram to those on an even day." Kyrios places his bottle to the side, "Now, let's see what symbol you two are."

Alucard already knew his symbol, the symbol of Aphrodite. He hesitated, softly raising his finger, then softly spoke, "But I already know mine, vampires are predisposed with the symbol of Aphrodite."

"I am well aware, but there is no harm in participation, pupil."

Alucard raised his brow, "Oh—" then swung his head downward, bowing before his new teacher, "Yes sensei!" 

Two deep inhales proceed, the students following the example displayed from Kyrios, closing their eyes and holding the breath for a few seconds. Kyrios watched intently, and thought, If my prediction is correct, then I already know both of their symbols, but confirming it is necessary.

Alucard and Will lift their respective bottle, and exhale, leaving the glass murky and stamping their symbol at the end of it. Alucard's bottle was pressed with the symbol of Aphrodite, just as he expected, "See, the symbol of Aphrodite."

William peeked through the opening of the bottle, hoping to identify his symbol, but luck was not so friendly. He remained clueless to the symbol, "What's mine?"

Kyrios glances at William's bottle, and grins from ear to ear, "Ah! The symbol of Zeus, William!" then sat back, and thought, Just as I suspected... Then it is true... The world hasn't had one in a long time...

"What day of the month of Jupiter were you born, William?" Kyrios asked.

William lowers the bottle, and questions the inquiry, "Hmm... The 25th, why?"

Kyrios nods at his student's reply, understanding what each are capable of summoning now, "Excellent! That means you are born with the eagle as your zodiac summoning! Had you been born on an even day, you would have the bull as your zodiac summoning."

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