Alucard vs Kay

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The remaining contestants stepped off the stage, allowing the first bout to commence. Lucy, William, and Stefan watched on the sideline as Alucard began to take part in the tournament, his opponent was none other than Kay Calvados, a knight of the round.

The crowd was joyous, anticipating a gut-wrenching tournament where the expected head honcho won for the 10th consecutive time, whoever that may be.

This isn't right, nine straight tournaments won in a row? Just how strong is this contestant? And which one of the fighters is it?, Lucy thought.

Stefan smirked at Lucy's face, stuck in surprise that the host's words were true. It would only be a matter of time before an opening presented itself, and the news that kept Lucy silent only made the trip easier. 

"Have you realized how far in over your head you are, Lucy?" Stefan asked.

"What? No! This is nothing! This is only the beginning of our adventures!" Lucy replied.

His words spoke confidence, but that was far from the case, he began to tremble underneath his pores at the possibility of fighting a nine-time champion. And without knowing who it may be, discovering there identity may only occur when it is far too late to be useful.

Lucy reverted his attention to the ring, which the host rightfully shouts, "Fight!" to begin the first round of combat.

Alucard and Kay stood on opposite ends of the square, which consisted of nine large white tiles. The crowd was ravenous for bloodshed, shouting and hollering for whomever they thought would win the first fight.

Kay pulls her bow from her back and draws three arrows from her quiver. She pulled the arrows back strongly, her arm lightly shook at the large lever before rainfall. 

"Gotta make this just right..." Kay murmured.

Alucard was surprised by Kay's confidence, aiming her arrows as if they would somehow hit its mark when he saw them coming. Just how fast was her trigger finger, and would that speed matter to a vampire?

"Do you really think that I'm going to allow you to shoot me with arrows?" Alucard asked.

Kay had one eye closed, targeting her target with the eye of a marksman, "Well, we will see, won't we?" Kay replied.

Kay then drastically changed her aim, now pointing the arrows at the clouds, and released her grasp of the bowstring. The three arrows shot up for the heavens, which was met with question from Alucard. 

"What the? What kinda aim is that?!" Alucard shouted.

The arrows defied gravity, sitting still in the air, levitating just a few feet over Kay, and aiming their sharp points in Alucard's direction. 

Alucard didn't expect this outcome, what made the arrows sit still in the air? Whatever it was, it left the young vampire speechless, "Oh..."

One of the arrows zips toward Alucard, whistling with the wind like a tea kettle. Alucard grabs the shaft of the speedy arrow, maneuvering the point from landing and having enough speed to catch it.

Alucard glances down at the arrow, and murmured, "What kind of magic trick is this..." 

With that small amount of hesitation, Kay capitlizes on it, swiftly appearing right in front of the vampire in the blink of an eye. 

"The winning kind." Kay said.

Alucard stepped back, "How the—" then swiftly got caught by the speedy archer. 

Kay scoops her hand onto the back of Alucard's neck, then implants two jabs directly into his abdomen. She finishes off her combination with tossing Alucard off his feet and toward her former location. The second arrow, honing at the vampire and awaiting for the archer's command, shot at Alucard who remained off the ground from being tossed by her. 

Alucard's back was bristling against the wind, his clothes swam through the air like a flag, "Crap!"

The vampire claps his hands together, and presses them against his chest, all while still being in the air from being thrown. The symbol of Aphrodite manifests on his upper chest, then a colony of bats pour from the circle. 

The second arrow disappears into the swarm of bats, along with the sight of Alucard from Kay's perspective.

"Bats?" Kay questioned.

Alucard plunges from the swarm and bullets toward Kay. 

Kay prepares for his arrival, and murmured, "He's fast..." 

Alucard arrives with whipping his leg for Kay's left ear, but she manages to catch his ankle before it made contact.

His eyes widened at the swift reflex, "What..." then he used his remaining leg, hoping to connect his knee with her nostrils. 

Kay blocks the knee with her forearm, taking the damage fully, then punches Alucard straight in his gut for a third time. The strike was strong enough for Alucard to spew bodily fluids. 

Crap... She's too good..., Alucard thought.

Kay doesn't hesitate with her assault, continuing where she left off by grabbing Alucard's collar with both hands. "You're pretty good for a kid." 

Alucard wouldn't go down without a fight, he presses his palms into her wrists, hoping to release himself from her grip. Once he was released, he hops away from danger like a frightened mouse.

A familiar voice from the crowd shouted, "Wow, you suck!" 

Alucard glances at the voice, and it came from his friend, William, which he shouts back, "What?! Thsi girl is not normal!—" he glances back at his opponent, "Who are you?" 

"My name is Kay Calvados." 

Stefan raised an eyebrow at the name, "No way..." he said in disbelief.

"What? What's with her name?" William asked.

"You really don't know who that is, kid?" Stefan asked.


"Have you been living under a rock?!—Fine, might as well tell you—She is a member of the Calvados Household, and one of the Knights of the Round." Stefan said.

Lucy, startled by the news, and just as shocked as William, shouts, "Alucard! Beat her so she can join our guild!!"

How the hell am I supposed to beat a knight of the round..., Alucard thought.

Kay smiled at the uproar in favor for the vampire across from her, "Wow, it looks like I have some fans here..." 

She began to jab the air in front of her, as if she was shadowboxing, which surprised Alucard. Why was she doing this in the middle of a match?

"What are you doing?" Alucard asked.

"Getting ready to win." Kay replied with a smile.

"That's bold..." 

Kay took a step back, "Here I come." and launches toward Alucard, her speed was heightened compared to her last move, putting fear in whoever stood before it.

What?! Has she been holding back this whole time?!, Alucard thought.

The last arrow bolts at Alucard just before Kay's arrival, which he manages to catch just like the first one that came his way. The grab left himself open for Kay, who angled in for a strong straight, planting her knuckles directly into his ribcage.

Alucard shot out of the ring from the impact, and falls onto the concrete ground outside of it, "Ow..."

The crowd was left speechless by the speed of the knight, then burst into shouts of amazement. 

"It looks like we have a winner... Number five wins... The next fight will be number three versus number six..." The woman murmured.

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