Zodiac Summoning

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Everyone within the cabin had nothing but shock and awe on their faces as no one inside could understand William's words. Why would he go with Maka? Willingly allow himself to be used for her sake? That doesn't sound strong at all, logically speaking.

"You'll willingly go?" Maka asked.

Maka couldn't understand William's commitment, throwing himself on the line for what? He did not have to do this, and yet, he decided so. Alucard and Pierre didn't agree with their comrade's decision, which made little sense. Speaking sense into him was as productive as teaching a dog how to speak.

"Are you crazy, Will?!" Alucard shouted.

"You don't even know this girl!" Pierre added.

William, with determination melting his brow, remained adamant on his stance, "I said what I said." William said.

"This isn't the time to be stubborn!" Alucard shouted.

William held strong, like an anchor stuck in a reef, "Well, I want to help her get her family back, so she can take me to this person who wants me!" William replied.

"But you don't even know anything about this person, Will!" Pierre shouted. 

Pierre and Alucard's warnings wouldn't get past the strong brick wall. Once he decides on doing something, there isn't anything that can change his mind.

"So, I want to help her, that's something a King would do..." William said. 

Alucard knocks William on the head after he finishes speaking. "You can at least ask us first!" Alucard said.

Alucard was annoyed that William submitted himself to someone else's problem as if he were the only member of their band. The least he could do was ask, but he didn't think much beyond his commitment. 

"Fine! Do you guys want to help Maka with me?!"

Alucard shrugged, "Sure, why not."

"Yeah, I don't mind either." Pierre said.

"Well then it's settled, we'll help you get your family back, Maka." William said.

Maka was surprised it took this turn, once a road riddled with craters now became a bright sunny field of dandelions. Her eyes brightened, and her lips were left speechless at the sharp transition.

Maka's head lowered in disbelief, "But... I... I don't even know you people... Why would you risk your life to help a stranger... A stranger who just tried to kill you..." Maka said.

Why? What did she do to deserve this in the first place? She just attempted to kill one of them, and that wasn't even in hindsight when they made their decision to help her. 

William puts his hand on Maka's head and firmly responds to her. "Easy, cause I wanna be a King. And I'm just doing what a King would do."

Maka lifted her head, surprised by the fire in William's eyes, and asks, "You want to be a king?" 

Before I met him, I didn't think I would ever be following someone like him—But... After meeting him, how could you not follow him..., Alucard thought.

The confidence brimmed off of William's chest, he glowed bright like a star sitting alone in the night sky. Was he aware of just how bright he shined? 

"Alright, when do we head to the mountain?" Pierre asked.

"That's up to you, Maka." William said.

Why... Why is he helping me? He wants to be a king but is willing to throw away his dream... To throw it all away for a complete stranger? I can't tell if he's confident or crazy..." Maka thought, then said, "Alright. We go in the morning if that is ok with you."

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