Learning Zen

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Kyrios sat awake while his students slept, watching a soft campfire in the night. Goat sat beside him, just atop a small log. 

These two don't have any idea. Innocence can be a blessing and a curse. Out of all the people I've trained... No one comes close, Kyrios thought.

"So, what are you going to do?" Goat said.

The tortoise's eyes sternly stamped onto William, who began to snore just under the cracking of the campfire. 

Kyrios closed his eyes and shrugged to Goat's words, "I'm not sure." a soft, hesitant smile, broke out from a calm demeanor.

Goat frowned at his master, remaining strong on his opinion despite ever vocalizing it.

"You do it, the less they can trace you, the better..." Goat said.

"I know..." Kyrios said.

Goat rolled his eyes, the answer was there for his master already, "So what's the hold up then? Ain't that the only thing to do?" 

Kyrios sat up, staring at the flames dancing under the stars, "I fear if I do that, I can no longer predict his potential..."

His words were clear for his shelled servant, which caused him to stomp against the small log, "Who the heck cares what he does! WE should be worried about our own tails!"

"I know that—but if this is the wrong decision, then what?" Kyrios said.

He attempted to contemplate the consequences of this ordeal, while Goat, on the other hand, failed to see the reason for doing so, causing caution to come their way is an option not ideal for the shelled servant. 

Goat changed his annoyed expression for a more exacting emotion. He stared at the fire, hoping the sudden pause could sprinkle his sincerity for his master. 

"I understand how you feel, but the last thing I want to see is your death—I've been with you for too long for things to end like this." Goat said.

Kyrios sighed, he was caught in an unexpected predicament. While he cares for his students, Alucard and William, his servant also cared for him. Guaranteeing their safety is one thing, but becoming the bringer of your own destruction because of it is another, something Goat refused to be a part of. 

"Fine—I'll do it..." Kyrios said.

" Kyrios said

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The next day.

William and Alucard awoke from flood waters funneling up their nostrils. Spouting up and spitting saliva from their throats. The raspy cackling of the tortoise rang through their ears. 

"Get up you flob-headed rats!" Goat shouted.

Alucard shot up from sitting, standing tall over the shelled servant, "What the heck?!" 

William, after being soaked by the purposeful spill, plopped his head into the wet grass and continued counting sheep. 

Alucard and Goat move their eyes onto William, who slept through the morning rain, "DON'T GO BACK TO SLEEP!" 

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