Chapter 56

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Ame's P.O.V

"Good morrrning, Amerrrica."

A hand reached over to my shoulders and shook me gently. My eyes prided themselves open and peered at the Russian that was sitting down on my bed, who was caressing my arm.

I pushed myself up and let a smile seep onto my face, "Mhn, morning, Russia."

"Happy birrrthday." He told me, as his hand traversed down my arm and made circles on my palm.

A soury-sweet feeling took over my brain, "...thanks."

This would be the first time in a long time that I would be celebrating without them.

"Is everrrything okay?" Russia questioned. His hand slowly tightened around my own.

I sighed, "I just miss them..." My eyes traveled downward towards the wall to my left.

The bed creaked a smidge, as the person in front of me got closer and hugged me. My arms reciprocated, as my head rested on his shoulder, "I zhought you needed one..." He admitted, while he rocked us back and forth.

Something poked my back and prevented Russia from placing a flat hand on my back. I furrowed my brows and attempted to turn my head to look at it, but the only thing I saw with my drowsy vision were several bright colors.

I let go of my new lover's back and waited for him to let me go. He got the idea and retracted his arms, "What's that?" I pointed at his hand that was subtly tucked behind his back.

By the lilac hue on his face, I could tell that it was one of two things. And considering what day it was, I thought it was the second option.

His irises looked down, while his hand slowly revealed what he was hiding, "Zhis is forrr you."

My mouth scrambled for words, as I stared mesmerizingly at the bouquet in front of me. It was a mix of all sorts of flowers, some common, and others rare. Every color of the rainbow was there.

Though, there were two things that were standing out to me, there were these daisy-like white flowers that appeared in every nook and cranny that needed a flower, and then there were the assortment of roses that outlined the outside.

Don't get me wrong, it was really pretty, almost too much so, but there was definitely a pattern here.

"I...I love it." I whispered out. My eyes were wide when they looked up at Russia, who seemed to freeze at my comments. "Thank you so much."

"You arrre, um, velcome." He rubbed the back of his head with a grin on his lips.

"When did you even have the time to go prepare for something like this? I've been with you every single minute of every day."

"Vell, zherrre vas zhis one opporrrtunity a few veeks ago and anotherrr last night. Rrrememberrr vhen I vent shopping?" He answered.

That was when a light flipped on in my head, "So that was what took you so long!"

He nodded, "Mhm, sorrry I did not tell you zhe absolute trrruth-"

"Shh. First, it's fine, there's a good reason. Secondly, come here." I ordered. I tapped the open space between us, as I set the flowers to the side.

He did as I asked him to do and I leaned into him, as I puckered up...I kissed my blanket. My eyes snapped open to see Russia's hands holding up the fluffy barrier, while he laughed behind it. A deep scowl imprinted itself on me and I ripped the thing out of his hands.

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