Chapter 5

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TW: bulimia/ED

Adrien POV:

I could have sworn she was going to kiss me but my stomach betrayed me and growled and suddenly I remember I didn't eat breakfast....or dinner.

"Hungry, are we?" She giggled.

Her laughter is like a drug.


I was embarrassed. I hate when people bring up food or diets or weight, especially if it's about me. I hate that she knows I'm hungry, but I had to act like I didn't care so I smirked at her and I wrapped her arm in a bandage.

She's onto me and as weak as I am when it comes to her, she can't know that she has me wrapped around her finger.

"If someone hadn't kept me busy all morning, maybe I could've gotten some breakfast."

Why did I say that?

It wasn't her fault.

"I didn't mean-"

I genuinely don't know how to apologize.

She gets off the counter again and her stomach growls too but I act like I didn't hear it. She's mad. Rightfully too. I always mess things up like this.

I don't know why it's so hard for me to be honest about my feelings because all I'm feeling right now is self hatred.

Why the fuck did I say that?

"Can I have a minute in here alone? I just need to finish cleaning myself up."

"No, please let me-"
I know she won't.

"I can handle it."

I don't want to leave her but she probably doesn't want to be anywhere near me right now, but she is still in my house so the least I could do for her is let her be alone in my bathroom.

Marinette's POV:

His stomach just growled and it reminded me of how hungry I am. I can't stand when people are hungry, maybe it's because I'm the daughter of 2 bakers but anytime I hear a single complaint of hunger, I'm half way done making something to eat.

"Hungry, are we?"


I was going to offer him lunch at the bakery but he decided to be an asshole instead. I knew one boy couldn't be so perfect.

"If someone hadn't kept me busy all morning, maybe I could've gotten some breakfast."

Why did he say that?

It wasn't my fault.

"I didn't mean-"

I genuinely don't know what to say.

I get off the counter and my stomach growls.

"Can I have a minute in here alone? I just need to finish cleaning myself up."

"No, please let me-"

I don't want him to. I want him to leave. I can't exactly make him though because this is his house but he leaves anyway and tears fall down my face again.

Maybe it is my fault.

Adrien's POV:

What is wrong with me?

I know she wants to he alone.
I know I fucked up.
I know I say shit like that when I don't mean it.
I know I shouldn't open the door, but she's crying and even if she wants to be alone, she shouldn't.

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