Chapter Three: Tyler Wood.

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Tyler's POV

I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks, not able to control the feelings swolling me whole. Each breath I took felt hard, with a little sob at the end.

Who would of believed my short life would of already resolved to this.

I can't even begin tell anyone how I feel to words yet I couldn't escape the horrors that I have faced or may still go through.

I wipe my tears away leaning against the wall that is right at the bottom of the garden of my home.

I don't even know if I can find the strength to return to the house, yet looks like I don't have much choice.

He is coming right this way...fuck.

"You little shit! Get back in this house now! What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

I slowly got to my feet. "I'm sorry," I begin but he grabbed my arm and began to pull me back towards the house.

"Let me go! I don't want to go inside!" I shout anger building up inside me.

"You don't have a choice. You aren't staying out here all night! And we have a job to do!"

"No I will not go!"

"Your mum needs us too."

"Don't you dare bring mum into this. She is fucking in hospital and dying. We both know it yet you rather go play around with other women or get high!"

The punch came all rather too quickly dazzing me, finding myself falling to the ground. I held in tears. could you leave me with this man?

All I want to do is go to sleep and never wake up but I know that wouldn't happen tonight. I be lucky to even get an hours sleep.

What am I meant to do?

I'm twelve years old! What the hell have I ever done to deserve this?

Colin's POV

I sat in the kitchen looking at the clock. It's seven thirty at night. Arrow's mum had picked Madison and Zack up a short while ago.

I'm dressed ready to leave for the restaurant, yet part of me is put out. I've still not heard from Arrow.

I heard the door go. I rush to my feet and wait to watch Arrow walk into the kitchen with flowers, a box of chocolates and small bag that looks like a medication.

"Your back. Christ you look rough," I begin.

"Yet I must still look hot right," he winks at me.

I bring him into an embrace and give him a kiss. "Always. So what happened?"

"Step dad and mum. Horrible parents. I was glad to get those two lads out of there...yet it seems I never get away from violence. I did get checked out by the way with some convincing. Got some antisickness tablets and some pain relief too but they said I should be fine. I'm sorry I'm so late, I had another case I had to sort out before I came home. I'll get changed and we can still go."

"You sure?" I ask him.

"Of course. Conner and Jerrod will be expecting us. Your day okay?" he asks as he heads towards the bedroom.

"Yeah...just a lot of sick kids at the moment. It never easy day for you is it," I say slowly as I follow him into the bedroom.

"Ah some days are better then others," he says as he takes off his coat and then top.

I notice the bruise straight away on his left side of his stomach.

"I wish I could of taught them a thing or two for hurting you."

"Shamefully if I had hit back I'll be in trouble so I'm glad you wasn't there."

"I guess."

"Go put your flowers in water and let me get ready," he smiled.

"Yeah..thank you. You didn't have too."

"I always will for you Colin. I love you."

"And I love you too. I'll pay for tonight."

"I thought you might," he grinned.

Arrow's POV

Don't get me wrong. The last thing I wanted to do tonight was go out, yet I never want to let Colin down its not in my nature.

So I found strength to have a quick wash and get dressed.

Colin drove us to the restaurant in his BMW which is still going strong since we left high school. We arrive at the restaurant with five minutes spare.

The evening went quick yet Colin and I ended up drinking more then we thought we would.

Colin and I leave the restaurant deciding to take a walk home and Colin get an uber in the morning to pick up his car. Being older and wiser we know better then to get into a car after drinking, yet I found it hard to walk in a straight line and my brain felt fuzzy.

"You alright?" Colin asks me.

"Never better. Who said drinking is meant to take your worries away," I smiled at him his hand in my own.

"No idea," Colin begin but something or someone runs right into us and being so unstable the way I am my body collided with the pavement all too quickly.

"Watch what your doing," says Colin who had managed to still be standing. That doesn't surprise me...I've always been the clumsy one.

I look up to find that kid I had bumped into this morning. Yet this time he has a bruise that had formed around his eye, just like my own.

"Hey...why are you always running?" I ask him as Colin helped me to my feet.

"You know this kid?" Colin asks me.

"I'm sorry...really am. I just..." he stopped talking as a man came around the corner his eyes landing on us. "Shit," the kid whispered under his breath.

"What is going on?" Colin asks first not liking the situation, neither do I. Something seems very off about this.

"Hey sport why you bothering this two nice gentlemen," says the man very nicely yet I feel something a lot more sinister here. I've been working in this field too long. When I know...I know.

"Maybe he was running from you. Since when I saw this kid this morning he hadn't been hurt. Care to tell me what is happening here?"

"I...don't piss him off," the kid warns me.

"Piss him off? You being serious. I'm pretty pissed off right now too. So answer my question!"

"Arrow," Colin begins.

"Look the kid and I got into some trouble."

"I very much doubt that. I can spot you from mile away. I think I rather we go somewhere a bit better and you can actually tell me the truth because I don't believe you for a second."

"Who the fuck are you? How is this your problem. Let me and kid go and get on with your life need to act like you have a clue what is going on here!" he shouts at me now.

"You see...that isn't going to happen."

"Has he got a death wish?" The kid asks Colin.

"You would think that wouldn't you. Arrow...maybe we should call the police first if you think something is going on."

"I know something is, Colin and I can't walk away knowing that."

The man had been quick arriving beside me before I could react he pinned me to the ground quickly. Colin sprung into action to try help but three more men came out of nowhere and I felt as he pinned me to the ground harder and all I felt was pain as my head collided harshly to the ground.

"Tyler Wood you have done it now!" the man screamed as I felt myself blackout.....

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