Chapter Seventeen: Deserve to rest.

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Arrow's POV

Pain is hard thing to deal with. Phyiscially or mentally and I've had my fair share at this point.

I'm tired.

I'm scared.

And I know I'm not strong enough. I know I'm weak. I always have been.

Yet I found the strength to save Colin from getting hurt from Jim. Yet I couldn't quite save him from her and yet he still managed to find the strength to find my hand in all the chaos.

I couldn't quite remember the last time I had felt his touch and seemed to fill me with warmth for those few moments until he ripped me away from him. I cried out as he chucked me over his shoulder. I look in horror as the flames, the building. Paul and my dad unconscious. Hayley picking up Colin who had passed out by this point.

What happened to all the other officers? I look over and notice some still fighting some men and others completely down for the count.

"Please..." I beg my uncle.

"I will always win, Arrow. Its about time you realise you be with me from now on. But I'm kind enough to bring Colin."

We reach a white van and gasp at the pain I'm in. My body wanting to give up in everyway, yet if I do I know I'll wake up somewhere I don't want to be.

What can I do?

"Let them go!"

I just about make out a small figure near by us. Who is that?

"Don't know who you are kid but best you run off back to your mum and dad," says my uncle as he opens the van door.

"Why do you do such horrible things. Arrow and Colin are the most kind men I've ever met or had in my life. Don't take them away..."

"What's with this kid," says Hayley as she puts Colin in the van while my uncle is still holding me and staring at the kid.

I know who it is now...Tyler.

" Go I can't bare you getting hurt..."

"What about your promise Arrow? Let me help you. Fight him. Don't let him win even after all these years."

His words hurt....he knows my past and he can see I'm in no condition to help myself right now but yet...he is trying anyway.

"You can do anything you put your mind to Tyler. You don't need me or Colin for that. Be brave and do what I couldn't ever do," I whisper. I can barely keep myself conscious anymore.

Just as I felt myself giving up hope to ever be home again. I found myself falling from Jim's arms onto the ground hard.

Tyler at my side in an instant.

"I did always want to kill you....yet this is the better way."

"You bastard!!"

"You call me what you like...he deserves to go home."

Hayley goes to attack the person that had saved me but she is attacked to the floor by two officers.

"It's over."

Colin's POV

I didn't know what I would quite wake up too. Yet I didn't expect this for instant.

Laying in hospital bed in a private part of the hospital with Arrow, Paul, Arrow's dad and a man I don't know in beds too with Tyler in the chair beside mine and Arrow's bed.

Paul is awake and the man I don't know. Arrow's dad is fast a sleep along with Arrow.

"How you holding up," Paul calls over.

"I'm alive I guess. What happened?" I ask confused.

"A lot it seems. But we owe Adam here. He managed to stop Jim in the end. Man that man...think we all rather he was dead. Never mind that now. You alright though yeah?"

"Yeah...just about. Thank you Adam. For saving us and Arrow. I couldn't bare them taking him away again."

"He is in pretty bad shape. They say it take a good couple weeks before even being able to get up and do some physical exercise but they have hope he will in time. I guess none of us got away scratch free. It was a pretty intense situation. If you guys hadn't of come...I don't know what Arrow or I would of done...I'll always regret the things I've done. You have a good man there, Colin. No wonder you would fight till the end for him."

I look at Arrow. The man I love. A man that has been through a lot even in the few shorts years we have been together. A man that deserves happiness and I will do everything in my power to ensure that. I'm sure he is in pretty bad shape right now. It will take time for him to heal but it will never ever change what had happened. He won't ever forget and I'm worried it will always leave a mark on him and I don't mean physically. He will have many scars thanks to his uncle.

The one that is very noticeable is the cut down his face....he has been through so much. Rest now deserve to rest.

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