Chapter Eleven: I'll promise.

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Colin's POV

I rush forward onto the scene with Arrow's dad but knowing too well that I wouldn't come across Arrow. We both know that he got taken.

"Are you Kelly and Jane?" Asks Arrow's dad.

"Yes. Im Kelly. Who are you?"

"I'm Arrow's dad and this is his husband. It was Jim?" He asks her.

" he on your side or his mums?"

"My wives. But after what happened four years ago...he isn't our family no more. Did Jim give anything away to where he would take my son?"

"No I'm sorry. I tried to protect him but we got outnumbered and Arrow didn't want anyone else getting hurt."

"That's Arrow for you. He has a bad history with Jim and a history you don't all know about," I say to Arrow's dad.

"What you mean?"

"Might want to seat down but I think its about time you know what Jim did to Arrow...cause he probably never tell you and its something he should of and I think he will regret always hiding it from you and his mum."

"What do you mean other then what happened with Kilma?" He asks me.

"This was before I even knew him. Something he went through and never told you or your wife. Iz knows too but I think its only right you know now. Jim use to abuse Arrow and from what I've heard a lot. He was even doing it when you and your wife was in hospital. When Arrow came to visit you and said he got into a fight...he didn't. Jim did that too him and he made sure not to tell you guys and Iz knew but they didn't say anything cause they didn't want to live far from hospital or there friends. That man has Arrow right now. We have to rescue him and get rid of that man once and for all. Arrow has suffered enough by that man."

Arrow's dad looks at me with tears in his eyes. "That bastard how dare he do that to my son behind my back. I can't believe we let that happen to our son..."

"It's not your fault. Arrow was scared, too scared to say anything and as he got older it was for other reasons and you can't blame him from keeping that from you. Plus it's never been easy for him..."

"I know and I'm half to blame for that and I'm just so grateful he even forgave me. If he thinks he can take my son and get away with it he has another thing coming. I will take him down I won't let that man hurt my son anymore then he has!"

I look at him and nod. We are coming Jim and this time I'll give you a fight that you will surely lose. I'm coming Arrow! I will save you and have you back by my side, my loving, caring husband.

Jerrod's POV

Time is such a fragile thing and I've learnt that over the last few years but the last thing I had expected was to find my older brother at my door at twelve in the morning.

It's raining. He is soaked through, looking shattered, upset and slightly nervous even.

"Colin what the hell is going on? I tried to call you three times but I got nothing so I thought I leave you too it. I even tried Arrow's number seemed to go straight to voicemail.

"Arrow has been taken by his uncle. That bastard! I spent all afternoon helping his dad but there no leads and I was just wondering the streets but my thoughts began to get fuzzy...I lost my medication. I gave you some spare encase of emergencies," he says as I let him inside.

"Your kidding me right. What does he want with Arrow like seriously. Does that guy never give up...just like that Kilma guy."

"Along with Jim and Kilma Arrow and I have made some pretty bad enemies it seems. I can't protect the man I love Jerrod. What does that make me? I'm useless."

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang