Chapter Nineteen: Our Happiness begins now.

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Adam's POV

When you have lost everything. It's hard to go back to anything other then violence, pain and destruction.

Yet I feel like I'm finally in a better place. A place where my future looks more bright then it ever has been.

It's all thanks to Arrow. He changed me, made realise more to life then violence. More to life then constant pain.

I owe him. More then I can put into words. I had I have a little flat. I have a new job and reason to wake up and enjoy life in a way I never have before.

I've been invited to a party. Colin's brothers, Jerrod. He has a new house with Connor. Naturally I've been wondering what to wear all day but decided on black jeans and a t-shirt.

I look at myself in the mirror. Some scars on my bare arms that would remain for the rest of my life. But I won't let it defy me. Never again!

Arrow's POV

Colin looks at me wearing his tight jeans and t-shirt that says:

I am Gay

I am Proud

I am Taken

"What's up?" I ask him as I finish putting on my own t-shirt that says:

I've been through hell and back again

But I made it

"You going to be okay?" he asks me.

"Why you so worried huh? Think I'm going to out drink you tonight," I laugh.

He smirks, "Not a chance."

"We shall see. But Colin seriously I'm fine. You all got to stop worrying about me. I see it in all you now. But I'm good. If I'm not I will let you know. I know I'm not alone," I smile.

"You better and don't ever forget it. I'll go check and see how Tyler is doing."

" you think what I said yesterday would be something you would want to do?" I ask him.

"I love you with all my heart and I can't deny that I love that kid too. I would protect him with my life just like you would. Do I think we would be good parents? I don't know but we came together for a reason. Maybe this was it. We have good jobs and can very easily afford to give him a good life he deserves. I wrecken it be a great idea. I think Tyler would be over the moon. We done so much searching to find him someone who could give him a good life but always fell short. Do you think anyone else would love him and care for him like us?"

"I don't think I could find anyone better," says Tyler who stood at the door.

We both looked at each other and then at Tyler.

"So you would be happy with us?" I ask.

"I couldn't ask for someone better to foster me," he smiles.

"We wouldn't be fostering you, Tyler," I tell him.

"What was you talking about then?" he asks.

"We want to adopt you kid," smiles Colin which makes me grin.

Tyler looks at us in shock. "What you want to adopt me? Are you sure?"

"We are sure. I can't think of anyone better. If your happy for us to do so. It's your choice Tyler," says Colin.

"I never thought I'll find two amazing people like you. I thought I'll be stuck in the system or pushed from place to place. I had no idea that I'll get so lucky in finding you guys."

"You okay having like two dads?" I ask him.

"Why wouldn't I be. I'll be proud to have two dads. I never knew my real dad and Dan...well you know about him. Thank you for thinking I'm worth adopting into your family," he says tears in his eyes.

"Your worth it hundred percent," I tell him as I welcome Tyler and Colin into my arms.

"I've got my two men with me. I couldn't ask for anymore. I'll be super proud to be your dad," I tell him as I enjoy there embrace. I love these two guys and I can't wait for us to create amazing memories and watch as Tyler grows into a good man.

"We all ready for awesome night?" Colim asks.

"For sure," smiles Tyler.

"Let's head on out then," I smile.

Nothing could get better then this. And I feel that little bit more happy knowing I've kept my promise to Tyler. I found him a new home. Might not be what we all thought it to be but I know in my heart this is the right way forward for all three of us.

I've never felt so happy about anything and I'm so glad Colin feels the same way I do. I love him with all my heart and I'm just so glad to be beside him once more.

Forgetting all the turmoil and the things I got put through a few months well and truly behind me.

Our happiness begins now.

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant