Chapter Ten: What chance did I have.

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Jerrod's POV

I found myself leaning up against the wall near the fruit and vegetable section of the supermarket. My eyes are firmly on the man in front of me.

It seems no matter what age, no matter what you wear, some people can't get on with there own lives without ripping into yours.

This man is no different standing there all high and mighty that he is better then I am because he is straight and I am Gay. When will people wake up and realise no matter who you love or who you are doesn't make you a good or bad person.

"If that is your opinion then that's cool," I tell him.

"People like you don't deserve to be happy. Your lot broke my parents up. So your lucky I haven't beaten the shit out of you!" He roared at me.

I never seems to get easier. I can't go to the shops without some sort harassment.

"Well Jerrod and I didn't break up your parents so why don't you let me and my fiancée finish shopping in peace." Connor turns to me ,"I left you for five minutes."

"Not my fault this guy has an issue with that sort of stuff is it and yeah I'm not going to take that shit!"

"You two disgust me!"

"People like you are heartless bastards!" I shout.

His fist could of easily reached me...if I was alone but Connor had stopped him and stood in front of me in defence mode. I love this man so much!

"Why don't you go finish your shopping. There is no need for violence. Don't solve nothing!" Connor says loudly to him.

"Gary move your ass over here now. Stop embarrassing yourself. Your the only one who is. Leave the two lads alone!" Shouts a women over by the fruit with a trolley of food and a young kid with her...poor kid.

He groans before he walks off towards her.

"I'll make us a big pig out sort of dinner all home made by me," Connor winks at me as he pulls me towards the meat the completely different way to the man went.

I sigh before I go with him still feeling a bit pissed off but I soon pirked up as Connor smiled and asked me my opinion on dinner. I can't be too unhappy for long when with Connor. He makes me very happy, I'm a lucky man...fuck what anyone else thinks. Connor saved me when I needed saving. I owe him my life. I always will owe him.

Arrow's POV

I think I've been through enough, understand enough by now that my life will never be an easy one.

Trying to find Tyler a home is becoming difficult and I've got a load of paperwork building up, a husband in desperate need of a date night and full of concern and don't forget the police officer basically with me twenty four seven. My dad's idea naturally. Allac is doing all he can to support me but there isn't enough hours in the day to fix everything.

I promised Tyler I'll find him a home...but I guess part of me is being really picky after the first one we put him in...fuck why is life full of horrible,cowardly people. I wouldn't be having this issue otherwise.

I get up from my desk and head over to the door. I pull it open to find the officer standing watch.

"Allac any luck!" I shout over to him at his desk.

He looks over at me from looking at his computer. "Well I've found a place...but I think I'm being paranoid now," he sighs.

I come over to him the police officer moving forward to make sure he is still close by.

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now