Chapter Thirty Six: So can I!

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Unknown POV

I stood outside the house. It's early morning. This is where my step brother should be.

It's quite bizzare I've only decided to meet him now. After what happened at that university and my dad showed up telling me about him again.

I decided it is time to meet this guy. My step brother, who sounds brave and true hearted complete opposite to my dad.

I'm hoping it's a good idea but I have no idea.

After about thirty minutes of hoping that he would show up after finding no one home I began to wonder why I even came.

Maybe it's just bad timing on my part in general. I sigh as I decide today isn't the day to meet him and head back towards the train station.

I never made it to the train station.

I barley got a few moments away from the flat as a car shot towards me.

I dive to left it missing me. "What the hell you playing at!" I shout at the driver.

The door opens up to reveal a man holding a gun. "My mistake you look awfully like someone I'm trying to kill," he laughs.

"What?" I ask confused.

"I'm Kilma I'm on the run from the police. I'm after Arrow have you seen him?" He asks me.


This guy is after my step brother.


"No and even if I did I wouldn't tell you!" I shout.

"Calm down kid. How old are you?"

"I'm seventeen. Like it matters. I'll be on my way I think," I say as I go to leave but he grabs my arm.

"Your looking for him too?"

"What if I am. I'm glad he isn't here if your trying to find him. What the hell you want from him?"

"Doesn't concern you boy. Be on your way," he said climbing back into his car.

I'm afraid Arrow is in danger. I must warn him...but how and would he even believe me. He may just send me on my way being a son to a man I'm sure he hates.

Maybe this was a bad idea after all.

Colin's POV

I guess it was only a matter of time till I got hurt. Paul showed up aiding me and got Jerrod to bring me back to Connor's car. I'm sitting here with Tyler but I'm worried.

No one can find Arrow. I can't help but fear the worst.

"They will find him dad," said Tyler breaking the silence.

I look at him and try smile but I'm in pain and not just physically. It hurts knowing Arrow is out there somewhere, hurt and alone. Going through something that may just take him over the edge. He has had to go through so much.

I should of never let him go out there on his own. I know Jordon went with him but...I'm so sure they are probably not together now. Not in this utter chaos.

"I hope so Tyler. I just wish I hadn't been so useless," I say to him.

"Your not useless! Don't say those things. Arrow would be mad," he smiled trying to lighten the situation.

I bring him into a hug. "Your right. Come back to us Arrow. We are waiting."

Arrow's POV

"What the hell you doing here!" She demands to Paul as he helps me back to my feet.

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now