Chapter Twenty: You would too...

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Arrow's POV

I sat on the bench out in Jerrod's new back garden. They hadn't been in the house long but I'm already rather impressed with the garden and what they have done. I look at the pond in front of me that is a short distance from the bench I'm sitting on.

"You alright?" someone asks me.

I look up to find Caz wearing a nice blue sparkly dress smiling at me.

"Caz you made it," I smile as I get up and we embrace each other.

"I need to introduce you to my boyfriend but he got pulled off by Jerrod and Connor to look at the house," she smiles.

"I bet they did," I smile back.

"You okay? I didn't realise how bad it had been," she said looking at me with her soft gentle eyes.

I guess she meant my appearance. The scars I will never be able to get rid of no matter how much I would try forget.

"Well I'm alive and back with the people I love. That's what matters. I won't sit here and say it was an easy experience or that it hadn't effected me. It did...but I'm alright. Everything is going to be fine. I have some news," I smile at her.

"What news?" She asks as we sit down on the bench together.

"Colin and I are adopting Tyler," I tell her with a massive grin.

"Aww oh my god that is so cute and amazing. I'm so happy for you guys. After all you been through. I'm happy for you."

"We decided it would be good for all three of us. He deserves the best," I tell her.

"And I'm sure you and Colin will give him nothing less then the best."

"I spent so long trying to find him a good home but we always came short. I'm happy I can give him a home."

"You seem really happy. I'm glad after all you have been through it has never stopped you being a kind man you have always been."

"I will never let anyone change that."

"I really doubt Arrow has one harmful bone in his body. He only has good intentions but will stand up for the right thing even if that risks his own life," spoke a voice from behind us.

"Sorry erm," said Caz a little confused.

"Caz this is Adam a new friend to Colin and I," I tell her.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too Caz. Colin is looking for you. Something about Tyler slipping himself a drink and it's your first step to being parents by going to tell him off."

I sigh before I get to my feet. "Well I best go help him then."

Colin's POV

"You are twelve. You are far too young to even be thinking about alcohol let alone drinking it," I tell him.

"Colin is right. Don't make the same mistakes we have done or follow in the footsteps of your step dad. We want so much better for you then that," Arrow says sitting down on the sofa with me and Tyler.

"Is there a reason why you would want too?" I ask.

"I'm sorry...I just wanted to try it. I shouldn't of done it. Please don't hate me or chuck me aside before you even adopt me."

"We would never do that!" Arrow and I said in sync.

"You wouldn't?" He asks.

"Of course not. Just think before making a choice you may regret. Not at your age. Colin and I will always be here for you if you need us. We wouldn't adopt you if we couldn't or didn't want too. So rejoin the party but stick to soft drinks. We will have this conversation with you again but in a good few years. Now go on," Arrow smiles.

He nods before gives us both a hug before he gets back into the other room where the music is blaring.

"I guess this is just the start," I smile.

"It is but together we will ensure he makes the right choices in life I know it."

The rest of the night went by in a flash. We enjoyed ourselves in the best way we know how and I felt at peace falling a sleep beside Arrow on the sofa in Jerrod's front room knowing better then to try head home this late. We won't be making that mistake again, yet we will never regret our choices back then because deep down inside Arrow and I both know we wouldn't of be able to help Tyler if we had made a different choice.

Paul's POV

I felt my body shaking, fear gripping me. I hid myself behind the trees trying to catch my breath.

How has this happened?

This doesn't make any sense.

I hear the horrific cry of pain near by. Every part of me wants to help.

I want to help....but something is holding me back.

I quickly ram my hand into my pocket and dial Arrow's number.

"Hello Paul you alright?" I hear him ask.

"Arrow...I'm in some deep trouble. I'm not exactly sure what is going on. But I didn't know who else to ring," I whisper to him.

"Where are you?" He asks me.

"I'm at my university...I know your not near by," I begin.

"Keep yourself safe...we will be there in the hour," I hear him say before he cut the call.

I breath steadily. What do I do? Do I try get help near I go see if I can help.

"Keep yourself safe," I hear Arrow's word echo through my mind.

I will but can't just hide here like a would do the same Arrow. You would too....

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now