Chapter Thirty Four: I really don't know

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Colin's POV

It took Arrow over two hours to convince me that he is going out there with Jordon with out me so someone could stay with Tyler. I guess Arrow is more use to this kind of thing after his uncle, yet I was reluctant because of exactly that and he is hurt. But he wouldn't listen to me. He said he can protect himself. But can he?

Can he when he had already been through so much, put through so much and even now isn't in good shape?

In the end I had no choice but to let him go. You better not get yourself killed our there Arrow. You made me a promise!!

I hear commotion outside the cave. Tyler grabs my hand in panic and I hold it firmly.

"Just keep quiet. Hopefully they are just passing by," I tell him.

Yet we soon realised either we are incredibly unlucky or someone knew we were in here. We move deeper into the cave to try keep ourselves hidden.

"Looks like someone set up base in. Was it them or could it of been Colin and Arrow?" I hear the familiar voice of my brother Jerrod.

We quickly come out from our hiding place. "Jerrod I'm so happy to see you," I say as I chuck my arms around him in happiness.

"We found you. I'm so happy to see you too. But where is Arrow?" He asks only seeing me and Tyler.

"Where is Arrow, Colin?" Allac and Adam ask in sync.

My mouth drops open a little, "He went out there to fight them. To protect us. To try keep them away from here. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen. He is hurt too...we have to find him!"

"Shit...Arrow's dad won't be happy to hear that."

"You know what he is like," I say to them.

"Yeah we sure do. At least we found you two. Now let's go get Arrow," said Adam.

Arrow's POV

I woke to my head pounding. My body aching all over.

At first I couldn't even be sure where I was or what was going.

I finally manage to open my eyes to find myself chained up to the chair I've been slumped onto.

There is hardly any light, only what is coming from a light that is used when camping that people use for the tent.

I'm alone.

Why am I chained up?

Why am I still even alive?

Don't they just kill for fun?

What is the point in this?

I hear the door opening. I look over to the door to watch a tall man walking in.

His eyes landed on me and the smirk that appeared scared me. I think I'm in big trouble.

"Name!" He demands.

I look at him, glare at him. Wondering why he even wants to know my name.

He walked over to me and grabs my hair tightly. "Name!" He shouts louder this time.


He let's go. "That's rather ironic don't you think?"

"I think your psycho I know that much," I bite back.

He glares at me. "You think your tough kid? Your parents never tell you to pick your fights better?" He asks.

"I won't bow down or give anyone respect if they don't deserve it. You sure as hell don't. What did you do to the girl?"

"Ah I worry more about yourself then the girl if I was you," he snares.

"Why am I still alive?" I ask him.

He smiles," You see. Most people fail. Most people end up dead we have our fun. But not you. Even in the state that you still got up and tried to take us down. I like that."

"Right. So?"

"Not everyone dies when we do this. Some get lucky. Some get away and go back to there happy little lives. Most die. And then there is you. You can forget your life. Forget whatever live you had been living. Your with us now. You can accept it or you can fight it but I recommend the first one."

Here we go again...what is it with people thinking they can take me and do as they wish. No way will I let this happen...but I made that promise to Colin before I left him in that cave. I would come back alive.

I hadn't expected this to happen at all. Why is it I get myself into such a troubling and horrible situation.

Is it because of who I am?

Because of what I stand for.

"You are fucking crazy if you think I'm going with you," I tell him.

His smile faded quickly. "I thought you be smarter then that Arrow. Use your brain. What chance do you have to live if you don't."

"You could just let me go. What is wrong with you type of people? I have a husband and a son who needs me. I can't go with you," I say my anger getting the better of me now.

This guy is beginning to really piss me off.

He stood there studying me for sometime before he spoke again.

"To be honest I had noticed a few things. Your very protective of those two wasn't you. Now it makes sense. Look I can't let you go. Simple as that. I leave you to think it over. I'll be back soon. Think long and hard," he said before he leaves the room I hear the door being locked as he did.

Now what?

What did he mean by he can't let me go?

Is something more sinister happening here?

I really don't know...

Embrace (Spin of from Acceptance series)BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now